
  • 网络Gas production rate;gas yield
  1. 阐述了不同试验工况下改质气的低热值、产气率及气化效率的测试结果,给出了天然气改制的主要操作指标。

    The test result for low heating value , gas yield and gasification efficiency of reformed gas under different conditions is expounded , and the main operation indexes of natural gas reforming are given .

  2. 气化剂中氧含量的增加,可缩短气化反应时间,促进碳的转化,提高产气率,但可燃气热值却有较大幅度的降低。

    Increasing the oxygen content in the gasification reagent , can shorten the gasification reaction time , promote the carbon conversion rate and increase gas yield , whereas , the lower heating value of the produced gas decreased obviously .

  3. 目的是以较高的产气率,制取以CO和H2为主要成分的热值较高的生物质合成气;

    In order to produce the biomass synthesized gas which has the main components of H2 and CO with high heating value and gas yield .

  4. 枯草杆菌热解产气率较高(67.8ml/g),正异构比值较低,乙烷乙烯比值较高。

    The gas generation rate in B.subtilis during thermal degradation was high ( 67 . 8ml / g ), the ratio of normal and isomeric alkanes was low , and that of ethane to ethylene was high .

  5. 研究小型暗河式沼气池以猪粪和青草为发酵原料,在适当pH值、总固体含量和碳氮比的条件下,沼气产量和单位池容产气率与温度之间的关系。

    The study was carried out with pig manure and green grass as fermented raw materials , under the condition of proper pH value , total solid content and C / N ratio to find out the relationship between the methane yield and temperature .

  6. 在MSW的生物降解沉降估算模型的构建上,考虑到生物降解沉降难以直接观测的特点,提出从MSW产气率变化及其淋滤液动态平衡关系来估算的研究思路。

    Considering that biodegradation settlement of MSW is difficult to be observed directly , it 's proposed to estimate the settlement according to the evolution of gas-production rate and dynamic equilibrium of leachate .

  7. 又避免了浓度变化太快引起细菌生长过快,污泥结构松散,沉降性能下降,COD去除率和产气率降低。

    At the same time , the situation that too much fast growth of microorganism is caused by the sharp change of the concentration of supplying water and leads to the structure of sludge loose and the settlement properties decline is avoided .

  8. 经过三年的运行结果表明,甲烷罐的平均池容产气率为2.5&2.7m~3/m3·d,有机物去除效果明显,COD去除率平均达到76.2%。

    After three years'operation , the results show that the average gas-producing rate of the methane container in volume is 2.5-2.7 m3 / m3 · d. The results of removing organic matters are obvious . The average COD remove rate reached 76.2 % .

  9. 新河烟煤的产气率平均为1950m3·t-1,煤层气化率可达到74·6%。

    The average productivity of Xinhe coal was 1950 m ~ 3 · t ~ - 1 and the gasification rate of the coal seam was 74.6 % .

  10. 生产性试验表明,一体化两段厌氧反应器正常运行时,其容积负荷高达21.3kgCOD·m-3d-1以上,去除COD的产气率达到0.45m3·kgCOD-1以上。

    Scale trial showed that the volumetric loading rate of the integrated two ? step anaerobic reactor was above 21.3 kgCOD · m - 3 d - 1 and its gas ? producing rate was about 0.45 m 3per kg of removal COD at the normal state .

  11. 从产气率、滞留期、甲烷含量、发酵液中挥发酸和NH4~+-N含量分析,进料浓度3%vs,滞留期为5d可得到理想的处理效果。

    Ideal anaerobic treatment efficiency can be obtained with inlet concentration of 3 % VS and retention times of 5 days from the analysed parameters of biogas production rate , retention times , methane content and concentration of volatile fatty acids in the discharged liquid .

  12. 实验结果表明:提高热解温度可以提高产气率、碳转化率和热效率;热解气热值随温度而变化,在973K左右达到最大值;

    The results show that the gas field , carbon conversion rate , and energy transform efficiency improve with increasing pyrolysis temperature with the gas calorific value varying with temperature to a peak at about 973 K.

  13. 热水解污泥厌氧消化时,在水力停留时间(HRT)为20,10,7.5和5d的条件下ASBR的有机物去除率和甲烷产气率均比CSTR的高,且ASBR合适的HRT为10d。

    When thermo-hydrolyzed sludge pretreated under above condition was respectively digested in ASBR and CSTR ( control ), the organic removal efficiencies and methane production rates of ASBR were higher than those of CSTR with 20,10,7.5 and 5-d HRTs , respectively . The optimum HRT of ASBR was 10 days .

  14. 需要有一种新方法求取气源岩的产气率。

    How to get gas hydrocarbon generation of a source rock ?

  15. 提高农村沼气池产气率的研究

    An approach to increase the biogas yield of rural biogas digester

  16. 条件试验垃圾填埋产气率与美国经验模式之比较

    Compare Conditional Test About Velocity of Landfill Gas to USA Model

  17. 封闭体系下压力变化对烃源岩产气率的影响

    Effect of presssure on hydrocarbon generation of source rock in close system

  18. 沼气发酵接种物的选择对产气率的影响

    The Influence of Inocula on the Rate of Production in Biogas Fermentation

  19. 固体废弃物填埋场产气率的估算

    An estimation on gas generation of municipal solid waste landfill

  20. 塔里木盆地煤系烃源岩产气率变化特征

    The changing characteristics of hydrocarbon generation rate of coal-measure source rocks in Tarim Basin

  21. 沼气池产气率随气温地温变化规律的研究

    The study on rate of gas production of biogas pool with temperature and warmth change

  22. 厌氧内循环反应器内循环量与产气率数学模型构建

    Construction of mathematical models of internal circulation quantity and gas generation rate of anaerobic internal circulation reactor

  23. 并使用该模型预测4个不同热解实验的产气率和产气热值,最后预测值的相对误差分别为:730%和450%,证明网络的预测结果较好。

    The relative errors of predicted results by neural network are 7.30 % and 4.50 % respectively .

  24. 用发动机余热加热沼液提高产气率研究

    An Investigation on the Increasing Production of Biogas by Heating the Biomass with Exhaust Heat from Engine

  25. 它比传统沼气池产气率提高30%,可自动出料,永不换料。

    It digesters than traditional gas yield increased by30 % , can automatically feed out and never refueling .

  26. 研究3种不同配方的酶制剂对猪粪沼气发酵产气率的影响。

    The influence of three enzyme agents with different compositions on biogas productivity of pig dung digestion was investigated .

  27. 分析结果表明,若故障部位在导电回路,总烃产气率将与电压平方成正比;

    Whenoverheated fault occurs on a electric circuit , total hydrocarbon producing rate varies directly in proportion with V ' ;

  28. 说明产气率在油气产率中占有较大比重,是油页岩工业品质评价的重要指标。

    The data suggest that gas production rate is high and is a key index in evaluation of oil shale .

  29. 如何通过对老井的改造,提高产气率是天然气开采工业面临的重要问题之一。

    It is one of the most important problem that how to increase gas production by Remolding the old gas wells .

  30. 实践证明:设计的新型高效沼气池克服了常规沼气池存在的技术问题,产气率提高51.7%;

    The practice testified that the new type and high efficient methane generating pit surmounted the technical defects of the traditional methane generating pit .