
  1. DT电缆厂综合布线产品发展战略研究

    Research on Strategy of the Structured Cabling Products of DT Cable Plant

  2. 根据分析的结果,选择了DT电缆厂综合布线产品发展战略,提出了实施战略所要采取的对策与措施,为DT电缆厂综合布线产品的发展奠定了基础。

    According the results of the analysis , DT cable plant makes the strategic choice of the structured cabling products . The appropriate measures lay a foundation for the development of DT cable plant .

  3. 我国绿色农产品发展战略研究

    Study on the Development Strategy of Green Agricultural Product in China

  4. 日发集团数控产品发展战略研究

    Research on the Strategy of Rifa Group CNC Product Development

  5. 安阳钢铁集团钢材产品发展战略研究

    A Study on Steel Production Developing Strategy of Anyang Iron and Steel Group

  6. 实施环保型石油产品发展战略迎接21世纪市场挑战

    Accomplishing Growth Strategy on Environment Protection Product to Meet Market Challenge in 21 Century

  7. 面对入世挑战东风汽车公司的产品发展战略和对策

    Suggestion countermeasure and strategy of production development of DFM facing the challenge of joining WTO

  8. 上海同济环保设备成套工程公司产品发展战略研究

    A Research of Product Development Strategy of Tongji Environment & Equipment Engineering Company in Shanghai

  9. 手持电视的内容产品发展战略

    Development Strategy for Content Products of Headset-TV

  10. 广东中小短信服务供应商产品发展战略短信服务误区的成因分析及其对策

    Analysis of Product Development of Middle / Small Service Providers in Guangdong Province Mistakes in SMS providing and solution

  11. 第二章介绍了创新公司企业战略和现有的人力资源状况,阐述了创新公司产品发展战略的理论基础以及创新公司在发展汽车零部件产品和开发其它行业产品的选择原则和方法;

    The second section introduces the development strategy of Dalian Innovation Company and analyses the current condition of human resource .

  12. 通过开发战略联盟,竞争情报,项目组合管理,你就会发现战术产品发展战略能取得非常大的成功。

    By exploiting strategic alliances , competitive intelligence , RD & E project portfolio management , you discover how highly tactical product development strategies achieve success .

  13. 第四部分提出我国服装出口企业服装出口产品发展战略,确定战略目标及重点:发挥自身优势提高国际竞争力;

    The last section puts forward the developing strategy and emphases for our garment export business : developing our own advantage to better our international competitiveability ;

  14. 理论与实践均已表明,实施绿色农产品发展战略将是21世纪中国农业发展的理想模式和可行模式。

    The theory and practice all show that the strategy of applying green agricultural product will be the ideal and feasible pattern of Chinese agricultural development .

  15. 企业成本结构与竞争对手价值链成本结构差异,对管理者制定企业和产品发展战略产生积极的影响。

    Enterprise cost structure and cost structure of competitors in the value chain differences , their managers to develop business and product development strategies have a positive impact .

  16. 再次,研究了温氏集团产品发展战略和市场竞争战略,提出了核心业务采用低成本领先战略,相关业务采用集中化战略。

    Thirdly , we have a study on the product development and marketing competition strategy , and point out to use low cost leading strategy in core operation and concentrated strategy in correlative operation .

  17. 第二章,介绍产品发展战略的基本理论和应用产品的概念,包括广义应用产品概念,甲骨文公司的应用产品概念以及范围,并介绍了甲骨文产品体系。

    In chapter 2 , it introduces the basic theory of product strategy and concept of application . It covers the general concept of application , product concept and scope of Oracle application , and the structure of Oracle product .

  18. 浅谈SWA-FC名牌产品的发展战略

    Discuss on Developing Strategy of SWA-FC Famous-brand Products

  19. 北京文化旅游产品发展的战略思考

    Strategic Analysis on the Development of Beijing Culture Tourism Products

  20. 湖南农产品加工业发展战略研究

    Study on Strategy for Further Developing Agricultural Products Processing Industry in Hunan

  21. 论机电产品出口发展战略

    Strategy for Export of Engineering and Electronic Products

  22. 泛长三角区域分工中的安徽农产品加工业发展战略

    Development Strategy for Agricultural Products Processing Industry of Anhui Province under the Regional Division of Labor in Pan-Yangtze River Delta

  23. 实施绿色农产品品牌发展战略,增加绿色农产品品牌文化含量,有利于提升农产品的知名度和市场竞争力。

    The implementing of the development strategy and increasing brand culture content of green agricultural products can improve the popularity and competition of agricultural products .

  24. 经过宏观环境,行业环境以及内部能力分析后,笔者提出了强生视力保健产品公司发展战略:第一层次,总体战略。

    After macro environment , industry environment and internal ability analysis , the writer put forward J & J vision care development strategy : first , total strategy .

  25. 因此在采用相关产品多元化发展战略的首要任务就是加快建立研发机制,设置研发机构,培养研发人员,和加大设备投资。

    Therefore , related product diversification strategy with the primary task is to speed up setting up R D agency and establishing R D system , trainning developer ; and increased investment in equipment .

  26. 本文分七个部分,分别从公司概况、市场环境、竞争环境、产品和技术发展战略、市场营销战略、投融资策略、以及财务预测等方面加以分析,以论证TS公司融资项目的可行性。

    This thesis consists of seven chapters , Corporate Overview , Industry Forecast , Competition Analysis , Products and Services Development Strategy , Sales and Marketing Strategy , Financing and Investment Strategy , and Financial Forecast , from which to analysis the company 's financing project .

  27. 配套企业与销售完整产品企业的发展战略不同。

    Differences exist in development strategics between applied and complete products enterprises .

  28. 论我国农产品绿色贸易发展战略

    Discussion on Development Strategy of Green-trade of Agricultural Products

  29. 中国高新技术产品对外贸易发展战略研究

    China High-Tech Product Foreign Trade Development Strategy Study

  30. 研究显示:复杂产品企业的发展战略有企业集群化发展、产品多元化发展以及产业联盟国际化发展的趋势。

    It shows that the complex product manufacturing companies have a tendency to develop in industry cluster , diversified product and internationalized allies .