
  • 网络Transition economy
  1. 转型经济下的北京市创业环境研究

    The Study on Entrepreneurial Environment in Beijing During Transition Economy

  2. 转型经济中的流通与流通经济学的转型

    Distribution System in the Transition Economy and the Paradigm Shift of Distribution Economics

  3. 其认为,中国和俄罗斯等非市场经济国家(转型经济国家)与以市场为导向的WTO体系本质上是互不相容的。

    Jackson believes that the transition economy state , like China and Russia , are incompatible with the WTO , which is a market-oriented institution .

  4. 不过,2008年年中的初步数据显示,流入发展中和转型经济体的投资流具有弹性。这部分投资达到创纪录的6000亿美元,相当于去年FDI总流入量的三分之一。

    But preliminary data to mid-2008 suggested resilience in investment inflows to developing and transition economies , which accounted for a record $ 600bn , or a third , of FDI inflows last year .

  5. 发达国家的FDI流入量上升了45%,至8570亿美元;而发展中国家和东欧及独联体(CommonwealthofIndependentStates)转型经济体国家的FDI流入量也创下了历史最高水平。

    FDI inflows in developed countries rose by 45 per cent to $ 857bn and flows to developing countries and the transition economies of eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States reached their highest levels ever .

  6. 转型经济中的可信承诺问题研究

    Studies on the issues of credible commitments in a transitional economy

  7. 转型经济中的战略剥离分析:以中国上市企业为例

    Corporate Divestitures in Emerging Economies : Research on Chinese Listed Firms

  8. 转型经济下的民间金融制度安排研究

    Research on the Financial Institution Design under the Background of Transitional Economy

  9. 转型经济中政府与市场的关系

    Relationship between the government and the market in the transition of economy

  10. 在转型经济中,城市经济活力和竞争力源于多种经济类型并存的所有制结构。

    A diversified ownership structure might enhance the urban competitiveness in transitional economies .

  11. 转型经济下市场导向型战略影响因素分析

    A Study of Antecedents to Market-orientation in Transitional Economy

  12. 中国既是发展中国家,又是转型经济国家。

    China is a developing country as well as an economy in transition .

  13. 通过文献研究对转型经济国家的企业战略管理学研究状况进行了评估。

    This literature research evaluates status of strategic management research about transition economies .

  14. 转型经济中的货币金融市场改革&中国案例研究

    Reform of monetary and financial market in Transitional Economy

  15. 转型经济下的产权安排与公司治理

    Property Right Arrangement and Corporate Governance of Interim Economy

  16. 转型经济中农户储蓄行为:中国农村的实证研究

    Saving Behavior in a Transition Economy : An Empirical Case Study of Rural China

  17. 世界转型经济绩效差异的比较制度分析

    Performance Differences in the Transforming Economies of the World : A Comparative Institutional Approach

  18. 转型经济研究中的理论难点问题&基于中国与俄罗斯社会经济体制转型的实践分析

    Hot Issues in Transitional Economy Research : A Comparative Analysis of China and Russia

  19. 法律、环境和转型经济处

    Legal , Environment and Transitional Economics Branch

  20. 绩效、控股权与战略投资者:转型经济银行改革的经验

    Performance , Controlling Stake and Strategic Investors : Experience from Banking Reform in Transitional Economy

  21. 转型经济下非营利组织的人力资源开发策略

    The Development Tactics of Human Resources in Non-profit Organizations Under the Circumstances of Transitional Economy

  22. 网络产业标准竞争与转型经济中政府的作用

    Standard Competition in the Network Industry and the Role of Government during the Economic Transition

  23. 论转型经济中制度的非均衡和制度建设的思考

    Thought on the Unbalance of System During the Transition Economy and the Construction of System

  24. 转型经济条件下的创业精神&机会拉动与贫穷推动解释的扩展研究

    CARVING OUT IN A TRANSITION ECONOMY & Further Study on Definition of Chance-pulling and Poverty-driving

  25. 转型经济和自由区科

    Transitional Economies and Free Zones Section

  26. 发达和转型经济体科;

    Developed and transition economies section ;

  27. 转型经济中金融成长的规制与深化

    Regulating and Deepening on Finance Maturity

  28. 如何寻求我国转型经济条件下企业多元化战略的理性行为?

    How to explore the reasonable behavior of the corporate diversification in the transitional economy of China ?

  29. 资金流&转型经济过程中宏观经济政策研究的新途径

    Flow of Fund - A New Way to Study of Macroeconomic Policy framework in the Transiton Economy

  30. 在现实经济中,处于转型经济中的政府通常保留一定的被私有化企业的股份。

    In practice , governments in transition and other economies often retain some shares in privatized firms .