
  • 网络Steering Wheel
  1. 反曲轴转动方向的转动转向盘安装在转向轴上,转向轴延伸至转向器。

    Counter crankshaft rotation The steering wheel is mounted on a steering shaft that extends into the steering gear .

  2. 该型汽车在伺服机构发生故障状态下,以手动操纵转向盘仍能维持正常运行。

    In case the servosystem of the trucks is out of operation , the steering wheel of trucks is still able to be manually controlled .

  3. 基于LIN总线的转向盘上开关控制系统研制

    Development of Handwheel Upper Switch Control System Based on LIN Bus

  4. 给出了用RIM法制备聚氨酯转向盘的比。适宜的工艺条件和一般性规律。

    It also gives the ideal process conditions and common rule for production of RIM integral skin PU steering-wheel .

  5. SANTANA轿车转向盘骨架强度的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Santana Steering Wheel Strength

  6. 在理论上对PID控制EPS系统车辆操稳性进行了研究,并完善了对普通未装EPS系统车辆横摆角速度对转向盘转角传递函数的概念。

    The vehicle 's maneuver stability of PID control mode was investigated for the first time and rectified the inaccurate define of the transfer function between the yaw rate and steering wheel angle for the automobile which not equipped with EPS .

  7. 基于Hella公司电磁感应式转向盘转速传感器进行了传感器结构的分析与设计。

    Based on the sensor of Hella company , The structure of the sensor was analyzed and designed .

  8. 通过分析EHPS系统的转阀的工作特性曲线,确定了电动机转速与车速、转向盘角速度的关系。

    By the analysis of working characteristic curve about the steering valve in EHPS system , the relationship between the motor speed , steering angular velocity and vehicle speed is explored .

  9. 对EPS系统的助力特性与控制策略进行了深入的探讨,设计了电动机助力目标电流的模糊控制器,得到了在不同车速和转向盘力矩输入下的助力特性。

    A detailed study of EPS system from perspective of assist characteristic and control strategies was carried out . In order to get the target current of the motor , designed the fuzzy controller . It produced the assist characteristic curves at different velocity and torque input of steering wheel .

  10. 它对汽车变速杆手柄的科学定位,尤其是对近年出现的无转向盘轿车主操控手柄的科学定位具有重要意义,其准确定位效果优于SAE手伸及限概念的应用效果。

    It is a more powerful scientific approach than SAE hand reach envelope , in locating the gearshift levers of the conventional automobiles and especially in locating the central control handle sidestick of a recent non - steering - wheel passenger car .

  11. 基于任意载荷分布的非线性轮胎模型,应用汽车列车动力学仿真软件ARCSIM,分析了半挂汽车列车在转向盘转角阶跃输入时的转向特性。

    Based on nonlinear tire model , the ARCSIM on articulated vehicle dynamics simulator is used to analyze the vehicle steering characteristics with the step angle input of steering wheel .

  12. 基于驾驶模拟器的驾驶员所偏好的转向盘力矩特性研究

    Study on Steering Effort Preference of Drivers Based on Driving Simulator

  13. 制动抖动引起的转向盘振动传递途径分析

    An Analysis on Transmission Path from Brake Judder to Steering Wheel Vibration

  14. 汽车转向盘系统碰撞试验有限元分析的模型化

    A Finite Element Model of Steering-Wheel System for Crash Testing

  15. 轮毂轴承的较小直径端转向盘毂及辐条盲区

    SMALLER DIAMETER OF PIVOT BEARING steering hub and spoke obstruction

  16. 转向盘转角阶跃输入下汽车操纵稳定性仿真分析

    Simulation Analysis of Steering Wheel Angle Step Input Vehicle Handling and Stability

  17. 便于使用,夹在转向盘上。

    Easy to use , clips onto the steering wheel .

  18. 汽车转向盘角脉冲试验数据后处理方法

    Post-processing Approach on Vehicle Steering Wheel Angle Pulse Test Data

  19. 得出通过采用可变比例控制的方式可以改善汽车的转向盘力特性的结论。

    A variable proportional coefficient which can improve the system performance is suggested .

  20. 关于轮漏的解释转向盘摆振的处理方法

    EXPLANATION OF THE LUN LOU IN ANCIENT CHINA How to Alleviate Steering-Wheel Shimmy

  21. 转向盘转角特性在驾驶疲劳检测中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Steering Wheel Angle Characteristics in Driver Fatigue Detection

  22. 汽车转向盘回正模拟系统的研究与实现

    Research and Development of Steering Wheel Return Simulation System

  23. 提出了比例微分控制策略解决转向盘振动问题。

    Proportion differential control strategy can solve the vibration problem of steering wheel .

  24. 转向盘调节装置操纵件由自动调节装置控制。

    Steering wheels adjustment control regulated by a thermostat .

  25. 利用力矩电机全工况仿真汽车转向盘反力矩

    Simulation of Steering Wheel Reaction Torque under All Operating Condition by A Torque Motor

  26. 轿车转向盘振动分析与控制

    Analysis and Control of Car Steering Wheel Vibration

  27. 基于转向盘转动速度变转矩控制的电动助力转向系统

    Controlling Electrical Power Steering System Based on Speed of Steering Wheel and Varying Torque

  28. 转向盘转角脉冲试验旋转式水冲钻孔设备

    Steering wheel impulse input test rotary wash-boring equipment

  29. 农用三轮摩托车转向盘减振研究用于转向系统的感应电机转矩伺服系统

    Research of Torque Servo System of Induction Motor Used in Steering System Acme Disk

  30. 转向盘调节装置操纵件软盘驱动器控制装置

    Steering wheels adjustment control FDC Floppy Disk Controller