
  • 网络Oversteer;OVERSTEERING;Over steering
  1. 不同于直线制动,车辆在弯道制动时由于垂直载荷的转移,可能会使车辆出现转向过度或转向不足甚至激转的危险工况。

    Curved brake , different from straight line brake , will cause vehicle oversteer or understeer even spin for the reason of load transferred .

  2. 但是,强劲的后轮驱动汽车也可能因为在转弯时减小油门而出现转向过度。

    However , powerful rear-wheel drive cars can also be made to oversteer by throttling down in corners .

  3. 迈凯轮的情况更多的是牵引、轮胎过热和转向过度的问题。

    In McLaren 's case it was more about a lack of traction , overheating tyres and oversteer .

  4. 如果转向过度或转向不足就有麻烦了,因为围栏总在不远处。

    If you have too much oversteer or understeer , you 're in trouble because the barriers are never far away .

  5. 比赛刚开始时我的车有点转向过度使得我无法迅速往前赶。

    I had a little bit too much understeer at the start and I couldn 't push as hard as I wanted .