
  • 网络Dynamic control;VDC;Motion Control
  1. 实际上,至少有一颗小行星是用动态控制拍摄的马铃薯。

    At least one asteroid is , in fact , a potato filmed using a motion control camera .

  2. 液晶电视分区动态控制LED背光源的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of LCD TV Area Dynamic Control LED Backlight

  3. 分布式多媒体系统的QoS动态控制策略研究

    On Dynamic Control Strategy of QoS in Distributed Multimedia System

  4. CSP逻辑编程中一种约束评价的动态控制方法

    A dynamic method of controlling constraint evaluation for the CSP logic programming

  5. 然而现有汛限水位动态控制法大都只考虑短期降雨预报,且主要集中于24h短期预报。

    However , 24h short-term rainfall forecast is mainly concerned by most static control methods .

  6. 建筑工程施工阶段的造价动态控制方法&赢得值原理和MATLAB软件的应用

    The dynamic state control method of the price on the construction engineering construction stage & The application of the win-value principle and the MATLAB software

  7. 动态控制下Euler-Bernoulli梁的多项式镇定

    Polynomial Decay of an Euler-Bernoulli Beam under a Boundary Dynamic Feedback

  8. 利用该检测系统可以进而实现汽车铝合金MIG焊质量动态控制(如熔宽、熔深)和焊缝跟踪的自动控制。

    Further , it is fulfilled that the welding quality of automobile with aluminum alloy MIG welding is controlled dynamically and the track of welding seam is controlled automatically .

  9. 将工况输出K0引入偏差的动态控制,有效消除了输出波动,改善了控制器的稳态性能。

    Bringing dynamic control of error to K0 eliminates the fluctuation of output effectively and improves the stability of control .

  10. 分析了已有的源端编码变换和静态语音分组优先级设置等语音分组QoS控制机制和根据RTCP报告计算QoS参数的方法,提出了基于RTCP反馈和某些预定规则的语音分组QoS动态控制策略。

    On the basis of analysis of the source end coding changing , different priority level setting , and QoS parameter calculating according RTCP reports , a policy for controlling the QoS of voice packets dynamically is described .

  11. 传统的静止无功发生装置(SVG,又称为STATCOM)虽然能动态控制无功,实现对电压波动的控制,却无法实现对有功的调节。

    Although the traditional static var generator ( SVG , also called STATCOM ) can dynamically control the reactive power to control the voltage fluctuations , it cannot achieve the regulation of active power .

  12. 针对系统异常工况,该文为链式STATCOM设计了反故障动态控制策略,包括系统电压突变控制以及不对称控制,其中不对称控制策略包括了不对称矢量控制和分相控制二种方法。

    A feed-forward control method is proposed to meet the sudden under-voltage fault . Two unbalance control methods , asymmetry vector control and single-phase control , are proposed for the conditions of unbalance system voltages .

  13. 基于移动智能网的SCP系统,提出了多业务系统的流量控制模型,设计了一种过载控制算法,实现了多业务环境下根据业务优先级分配系统资源,动态控制基于业务的流量。

    A traffic control model in multi-service systems is proposed based on mobile intelligent network SCP systems . An overload control algorithm , which implement to distribute system resources to each service by its priority , and to dynamically control traffic , is designed .

  14. 同时运用进度控制理论,针对新疆软交换项目的特点,提出了PDCA动态控制的方法和流程,应用调整工作逻辑关系等进度控制方法,得到了进度控制的成果。

    The use of the progress of control theory , for Xinjiang soft switching characteristics of the project , proposed a the PDCA dynamic control methods and processes , application of adjustment of the logical relationship progress control method to control the outcome of the progress .

  15. 小方坯连铸机实现二冷水动态控制之探讨

    Discussion about dynamic control of secondary cooling water in billet caster

  16. 远程教学系统中流媒体网络传输的动态控制

    Adaptive Buffer Controlling Techniques for Streaming Media Transmission in Distance Education

  17. 动态控制方法在高速公路工程进度监管中的应用

    Application of Dynamic Control Method in the Construction Progress Supervision of Expressway

  18. 工程项目成本动态控制管理系统

    Management System Of Dynamic Control of Cost For Construction Projects

  19. 多焦炉集气管压力模糊动态控制

    Fuzzy Dynamic Control of Pressures of Collecting Mains on Many Coke Ovens

  20. 机电一体化交流接触器动态控制技术与特性计算

    Dynamic Control Technique and Performance Calculation of AC Contactor Based on Micro-processor

  21. 多极串联悬浮电磁铁的动态控制模型研究

    The dynamic control model research of serial multi-pole levitation electro-magnet

  22. 船舶制造全过程目标成本动态控制体系研究

    Framework of whole process target cost dynamic control for shipbuilding

  23. 一类具有随机生产费用和随机需求的连续生产存贮系统的动态控制策略

    A Brief on Dynamic Controlling Strategy in Continuous Production-Inventory System

  24. 基于数控加工轨迹泛函的动态控制方法

    Dynamic state control method based on norm function of CNC machining trajectory

  25. 气体渗碳过程中的计算机两级全过程动态控制

    Two_Level Computer Dynamic Control in the Whole Process of the Gas Carburizing

  26. 火力发电厂建设项目网络计划编制及动态控制

    The Construction item Network Schedule Compiling and Dynamic Control for Thermal Power Plan

  27. 服装大规模定制动态控制管理软件的开发与应用

    Development and Application of CMC ( Clothing Mass Customization ) Manufacturing Management Software

  28. 异常态对网络计划实施的影响及动态控制模型

    The Influence of Unusual State on Network Program Implementation and Dynamic Control Mode

  29. 行波超声电机动态控制模型的研究

    Simulation investigation on control model of travelling-wave ultrasonic motors

  30. 沥青面层施工质量管理与动态控制

    Quality Management and Dynamic Control in Asphalt Surface Construction