
dòng jìng jié hé
  • association of activity and inertia
动静结合[dòng jìng jié hé]
  1. 目的:根据传统中医治疗骨折的动静结合原则,结合现代生物力学、材料工程学理论,设计符合生物力学原理的跟骨骨折足矫形鞋。

    Objective : According to the theory of association of activity and inertia of traditional Chinese medicine for fractures , and the theory of modern biomechanics , material engineering , the orthopedic shoes were designed on calcaneal fractures which accord with the biomechanical principle .

  2. 动静结合,避免过劳是预防CFS发生的根本措施。

    The action combine , avoiding the fatigue is basic measure that prevent froms the occurrence of CFS .

  3. CAI课件作为辅助教学的工具,在课堂教学中以图文并茂、声像俱佳、动静结合的表现形式丰富了教学内容,提高了教学效率,调动了学生的学习积极性。

    The CAI courseware , as a teaching assistance , has enriched teaching contents , improved teaching efficiency and enhanced students ′ learning enthusiasm , by illustrating with vivid picture and words , sound and image , etc.

  4. 本系统是柴油主机气动遥控的计算机辅助教学系统,图形采用彩色大屏幕显示器,动静结合,图声并茂,是轮机自动化教学领域较先进的CAI系统,具有实用价值。

    The graph is displayed by a large colour screen , and combine dynamic display with static display . The graph and its sound are both excellent . It is an advanced computer aided instructional system in the field of engine automatic teaching , and has practical value .

  5. 然后以PPDR网络安全模型作为基础,建立联动防御体系框架,实现了防火墙与入侵检测系统之间的联动,构建了动静结合的网络安全防御体系。

    And then , a cooperation defense system is established on the basis of the PPDR network security model , which realizing the cooperation between the firewall and the IDS , making a network security defense framework containing both " static " and " dynamic " feature established .

  6. 你知道他们为什么要动静结合了。

    You know why they do both quiescent and dynamic exercises .

  7. 提出并总结了三种用于结构损伤识别的新方法:对称信号法,动静结合法和乐音准则法。

    It is advanced and summarized three new damage identification methods .

  8. 该系统采用动静结合的防御策略。

    This architecture takes the static and dynamic defense policies .

  9. 动静结合治疗幼儿先天性髋关节脱位

    Immobilization combined Exercise-A therapy for congenital hip dislocation in children

  10. 整体规划做到动静结合,层次分明。

    The overall plan makes sure sound is combined , well arranged .

  11. 茶艺美学是动静结合、断发展的美学。

    It is a developmental aesthetics with the combination of dynamics and statics .

  12. 建立动静结合的立体型城市治安巡逻和查禁体系;

    Establish dynamic and static combined solid city peace order patrol and ban system ;

  13. 本文在深入总结现有结构损伤识别的基础上,讨论了运用应变模态的方法对桁架结构进行损伤识别的思想及方法,重点阐述了动静结合法在损伤诊断中的应用。

    And it discusses the theory and method of damage identification using strain modal .

  14. 内容充实、动静结合,语言课程与主题活动穿插结合。

    Substantial content . visual teaching methods . combine language courses with thematic activities .

  15. 提出了基于负载特征信息的动静结合的任务调度策略。

    Task scheduling strategy based on the combination of the movement of the load characteristic information .

  16. 小夹板固定动静结合治疗科雷氏骨折120例临床观察

    Splintlet Fixation in Motional_Static Manner for the Treatment of Colles Fracture : A Report of 120 Cases

  17. 水景、景、品等景观动静结合,虚实相映,充分体现现代园林精髓和休闲运动的主题特征。

    The scenery of water , stone and sketch fully presents the modern garden and leisure sports'style .

  18. 船体斜置波浪上的外力计算,可用动静结合的方法进行处理。

    The external load acting on a ship in a oblique wave can be calculated by the static-dynamic method .

  19. 他提出了保持身体康健必须要进行动静结合的身体活动锻炼的运动观;

    He proposed a movement concept , which must be combined dynamic and static exercise to keep the body healthy ;

  20. 前者是纯动态的翻译器,后者是以前者为基础的动静结合的翻译器。

    The former is a dynamic translator and the latter combines static and dynamic translation based on the first system .

  21. 通过钢桁架的动、静力联合试验验证了动静结合法的有效性。

    The validity of the dynamic static integrated method was verified by the static and dynamic combined experiment of steel truss .

  22. 一个动静结合的女孩,追求上进,强烈的好强心,努力勤奋,爱学习!

    A movement with the girl , the pursuit of progress , a strong strong heart , work hard , love learning !

  23. 瑜伽健身是动静结合的养生健身法,适于各种年龄的人练习。

    Yoga is a series of exercises to keep good health combining active motions and stable breathing , which suits people of various age groups .

  24. 多层感官动静结合讲解法在武术普修课中的实施&将被动的鸭变成主动的人高校体育教育专业武术普修的教法研究

    The Implementation of Multi-Layered Senses Dynamic-Static Integrated Approach in the Wushu Course Instruction for the Non-Majors & Turning the Crammed Ducks into the Learning Persons

  25. 本文重点讨论了多媒体课件的版面布局设计,并在总结版面布局设计原则的基础之上,根据多年教学的经验提出了动静结合的布局样式。

    This paper mainly discusses the layout design of CAI multimedia courseware , and proposes the static-dynamic layout mode based on the design principle of layout .

  26. 同时对重点部门的防范达到了动静结合,主动和被动的结合,增强了其安全性。

    At the same time the prevention of priority sectors to achieve the static and dynamic combination of active and passive combination , enhanced their security .

  27. 如何实现动静结合,关联互动的安全体系,已成为网络安全一个新的发展方向。

    How to integrate the two techniques and combine them into an interaction security system has become a new orientation of the development of network security .

  28. 采用动静结合的办法,分析各砂体的储量动用状况,搞清剩余油分布规律,充分挖掘储量潜力。

    The way of action combination was adopted to analyze each sand body condition and know remaining oil distribution regulation , deeply develop the potential of oil field .

  29. 证据抽取法。以动态取证为主、以静态取证为辅、动静结合的取证方法将是未来电子取证的发展方向。

    The developing tendency of electronic obtaining of evidence in the future will be that the major method is dynamic obtaining , the subordinate is static , and also both combined .

  30. 方法对128例确诊患者分别采用动静结合、药物治疗、激痛点注射、手法治疗、手术治疗等综合治疗措施。

    Methods 128 cases with certain diagnosis were given comprehensive measures as coordination of motion and illness , pharmacotherapy , trigger point injection , manual therapy , operative treatment , and so on .