
  • 网络dynamic effect
  1. 国际金融危机传染机制的三阶段周期动态效应分析&基于VAR系统的实证检验

    Three-stage Dynamic Effects Analysis of International Financial Crises Contagion : an Empirical Analysis based on VAR System

  2. 本文从财政和货币政策这两个角度进行了分析,然后具体分析了CAFTA的静态效应、动态效应和结构效应。

    The article analyzes the static effects , dynamic effects and structure effects from fiscal and monetary policies angle of view .

  3. 开采探测实践表明,震波CT技术对底板破坏规律探测具有连续的动态效应,其适用性强,应用效果显著。

    Engineering practice shows that the seismic wave CT has notable effect on the failure depth detection of floor , and it has dynamic characteristic and better applicability .

  4. 6-BA的动态效应对桉树组培出苗率的影响

    Dynamic Effect of 6-BA on Eucalyptus Tissue Culture Seedling Yield

  5. 中国服务贸易结构与经济增长的关系研究&基于VAR模型的动态效应分析

    Research on the Relationship between Chinese Service Trade Structure and Economic Growth & Dynamic Effect Analysis Based on VAR Model

  6. 各国积极参与双边FTA不仅可以获得贸易创造等静态效应,还可以获得扩大市场规模、提升经济竞争力、吸引国外投资、改善贸易条件等动态效应。

    By actively participating in bilateral FTAs countries can not only gain the static effects in trade creation , but also the dynamic effects in expanding market size , escalating economic competitiveness , absorbing foreign investment and improving terms of trade .

  7. 本文创新点:一是研究方法上,利用SVAR模型刻画生猪价格决定因素和产业链价格系统对随机冲击的动态效应,体现了内生变量的结构性关系。

    The dynamic effect of hog price determinants and industry chain price system to random shocks were portrayed by SVAR models to reflect the structural relationships of endogenous variables .

  8. 通过建立结构式向量自回归模型(SVAR),就财政政策对经济增长和价格水平的动态效应作深入分析。

    Based on the Structural VAR approach , this paper empirically does a research on the impacts of fiscal policy on economic growth and price fluctuation by analyzing monetary policy .

  9. 宏观金融不稳定对青岛市经济波动的动态效应研究

    Research on Dynamic Effect of Financial Instability on Qingdao Regional Economy

  10. 研究了电渣离心铸造过程中采用动态效应时合金的凝固现象。

    The solidification process during centrifugal electroslag casting has been studied .

  11. 研究的贸易效应主要包括静态效应和动态效应。

    The study of trade effects includes static effects and dynamic effects .

  12. 工程动态效应对粉沙质泥沙运动的影响

    The Influence of Project Dynamic State Effect on the Moment Silty Sand

  13. 中国财政政策动态效应的实证分析:1998~2004

    Empirical Research on Dynamic Effects of Fiscal Policy in China : 1998-2004

  14. 此外,动态效应与反转效应也存在于中国创业板市场中。

    In addition , momentum and reversal effect also exist in China GEM .

  15. 小型无人直升机动力装置活塞发动机的动态效应

    The Dynamic Effect for Piston Engine on Mini-unmanned Helicopter

  16. 电渣离心铸管动态效应的研究

    Study on Dynamic Effect of Centrifugally Electroslag Cast Iron

  17. 目的:室内空气污染的动态效应。

    Objective : To study the dynamic effects of the indoor air pollution .

  18. 氨基酸修饰的酞菁衍生物的合成及其溶液性质和光动态效应

    Synthesis , solution properties and photodynamic effect of phthalocyanine modified by amino acid

  19. 中国省级公共投资对私人投资的动态效应研究

    Research on Dynamic Effects of China 's Provincial-Level Public Investment on Private Investment

  20. 三维波浪大涡模拟及其对结构的动态效应研究

    Three Dimensional Large Eddy Simulation of Waves and Its Dynamic Response to Structures

  21. 动态效应在电渣离心铸造中的应用

    Application of Dynamic Action to Centrifugal Electroslag Casting

  22. 地下电站厂房层状围岩位移的动态效应研究

    Research on dynamic displacement of layer composite rock-mass

  23. 二维气动探针非定常流测量中动态效应的数值研究

    Numerical investigation of the dynamic effects on a 2D probe head measuring unsteady flow

  24. 分子动力学更适合研究物质的动态效应。

    Molecular dynamics analysis of material is more suitable for the dynamic effects of material .

  25. 稻田处理养殖场粪便的氮磷动态效应与污染风险研究

    Nitrogen and Phosphorus Dynamics and Pollution Risk of Potted Rice Treated with Manure from Livestock Farm

  26. 政府支出对扩大农村消费的动态效应分析

    Analysis of the Dynamic Effects of Government Expenditure on the Expansion of Consumption in Rural Areas

  27. 地下水对边坡稳定性作用的动态效应

    DYNAMIC PHOTOELASTIC INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF DECOUPLE Dynamic effect of groundwater action on the stability of slopes

  28. 压电圆柱体在冲击外力作用下动应力与瞬态电势的动态效应和响应历程

    Dynamic focusing effect and response histories of piezoelectric solid cylinders subjected to impact pressures on the external boundary

  29. 本文对中国1998~2004年间实行的积极性财政政策的动态效应进行了实证研究。

    This paper makes some research on the dynamic effects of expansionary fiscal policy between 1998 and 2004 in China .

  30. 试验表明,负荷波动要引起柴油机的动态效应,导致输出功率下降。

    Experimental study has confirmed that the fluctuation of load leads to dynamic effect and power output reducing of Diesel engine .