
  1. 目前采用最新的印花工艺技术,应用在动漫衍生品,家居礼品赠品等布艺工艺上。

    Currently using the latest printing technology , used in animation derivatives , and other home gifts fabric craft .

  2. 早在2003年就与“刀刀狗”形象合作,成为其授权生产商,进入动漫衍生品市场。

    As early as2003 with the " knife dog " image co-operation , as authorized by the manufacturer , into the animation derivatives market .

  3. 而动漫衍生品开发是动漫产业链的最高盈利环节,是动漫产业得以持续发展的关键因素。

    Animation derivatives development is the highest profitability aspect of the animation industry chain . And is the key factor to sustain the development of the animation industry .

  4. 之后,在消费行为分析的基础上,对长沙市动漫衍生品开发的现状及问题进行分析,得出长沙市动漫衍生品开发中存在的不足和问题。

    Then , on the basis of the analysis of consumer behavior to analyze the current situation and problems of the development of Changsha animation derivatives , come to the deficiencies and problems in the development of Changsha animation derivatives .

  5. 三是动漫企业集中于衍生品制造环节,产业利润也主要集中在衍生品制造领域。

    Third , the animation company focused on the derivatives manufacturing sectors , industry profits are mainly concentrated in the derivatives manufacturing .

  6. 动漫原创企业与衍生品生产企业如何对接,实现互利共赢,是动漫企业普遍关注的问题。

    Original animation production companies and derivatives business to butt , to achieve mutual benefit and win-win situation , is the animation business issues of common concern .

  7. 随后,阐述和分析世界上成功的动漫大国和我国动漫典型城市地区的动漫衍生品开发和案例,来借鉴其动漫衍生品开发的成功之处。

    Subsequently , described and analyzed successful animation world country and our typical urban areas of animation derivatives development and cases to learn from the success of the development of its animation derivatives .

  8. 与此同时,国外动漫衍生产品以绝对的优势抢占国内市场,国内动漫衍生品创新与技术的不足成为动漫产业发展滞后的一大问题。

    At that time , The foreign cartoon derivatives with absolute advantage preemptive domestic market , but the cartoon industry development lagging behind at home due to the shortage at innovation and technology .

  9. 动画衍生产品占到动漫产业全部盈利的70%,这个现实让刚刚起步的中国动漫产业纷纷涌向衍生品的开发。

    Animation cartoon derivative products accounted for70 % of industry total profits , the reality for China 's fledgling animation industry have flocked to the development of derivatives .

  10. 记者走访了一家主打销售多个经典动漫人物周边品的摊位,包括了柯南、蜘蛛侠、哆啦A梦等老牌动漫在内的动漫衍生品。

    Reporters visited a number of classic cartoon characters main selling products around the booth , including Conan , Spider-Man , A Dream and other old cartoon animation , including derivatives .