
  • 网络Dynamic Mapping;active mapping
  1. 动态映射函数最新进展及其在GNSS遥感水汽中的应用研究

    Latest Progress of Dynamic Mapping Functions and Its Application to GNSS Retrieved Water-Vapor

  2. 在EXPRESS数据模型同构理论的基础上提出了两种STEP模型映射技术&静态映射与动态映射,并以STEP标准模型映射语言EXPRESS-X作为实现工具;

    Based on the theory of isomorphism between EXPRESS data models , two kinds of model mapping techniques for STEP , i.e. the static mapping and the dynamic mapping , along with the implementation using EXPRESS-X mapping language are elaborated .

  3. 采用IP地址动态映射算法实现单一入口点,减少了处理延时;

    Employ IP address dynamically mapping method to implement single entry point .

  4. 对于在运行时需要流程模板与其用户配置动态映射的BPM应用来说,该方法很有用。

    This approach is useful for BPM applications that require process template mapping with their user provisioning dynamically at runtime .

  5. 在算法上,本文所提出的DPDS是第一个将任务复制思想与部分动态映射思想相结合,以减少网络数据包延迟并增加吞吐量的研究。

    The algorithm this paper proposed is the first to combine task duplication and partial dynamic mapping in network processors scheduling that aims to reduce the delay and increase the throughput .

  6. 该框架简化了分布式虚拟网络动态映射算法的设计。

    The framework simplifies the design of distributed mapping algorithm .

  7. 引入检测及握手服务器及其所实现的数据包反射服务,来检测动态映射的端口信息以及网络地址转换设备在进行端口映射的特性。

    A detection and handshaking server was proposed to solve the detection of dynamically mapped UDP ports .

  8. 动态映射法实现复杂,但能严格保证优先级映射的序关系。

    Dynamic mapping method is complex to be implemented , but it can maintain the strict order of middlewares priorities .

  9. 在滑模模糊小脑神经网络的基础上,提出了一种滑模对角回归小脑神经网络。该网络在联想层节点中引入自回归单元,使网络具有更好的动态映射能力。

    A sliding-mode-based diagonal recurrent cerebellar model articulation controller is presented , in which recurrent units are introduced in the association layer to add the dynamic mapping ability of the network .

  10. 遗传算法用变形轮廓的能量函数作为适应度函数,并通过动态映射方法实现搜索空间尺度的自适应变化。

    The GA used the energy function of the deformable contour as its fitness function , and an adaptive search space scaling technique was presented which was operated by dynamic mapping .

  11. 该框架以业务过程为核心,将过程组织引入组织结构模型,实现业务过程和组织结构之间的动态映射。

    This modeling framework takes the business process model as the core . Introduces process-organization into organization structural model , which can realize the dynamic mapping between the business process and the organization structure .

  12. 针对二维标定法所建立的映射表需要的存储空间大,对其访问时间较长的问题,在二维标定的基础上建立了动态映射表。3.车速检测算法。

    As the two-dimensional mapping table takes a lot of storage space and visiting time , so a dynamic mapping table based on the two-dimensional calibration is built . 3 . Vehicle speed detection algorithm .

  13. 基于关系的信息网格资源空间模型用物理关系、虚拟关系和有效关系三层来统一组织和表示信息资源,通过层次间的动态映射、以及层次内的引用关系来解决资源的连通和虚拟化问题。

    REVP ( Relation_based EVP ) resource model supports a three-layer naming scheme : effective relation , virtual relation and physical relation , formalizes dynamic mapping effective relation to virtual relation and binding virtual relation to physical relation .

  14. 综合研究了商业银行信贷资产风险因素和风险水平之间映射与其中的经验贝叶斯决策,将神经网络应用于这个不确定性和强非线性的动态映射。

    The mapping from the risk factors to the risk level of the credit assets of commercial banks , and the empirical Bayesian decision in the mapping were synthetically studied . The neural network was applied in this uncertain and strong non linear dynamical mapping .

  15. 同时,提出了一种动态映射技术,能够根据索引节点的机器性能而分配全局副本定位信息,并支持索引信息节点的动态加入和退出。

    Meanwhile , the thesis proposes a dynamic mapping technique , which according to the machine performance of the information index node it can well balanced allot the replica location information of the allotment , and supports an index information node with dynamic state to join and withdraw .

  16. 当此协调器发现至少一个SOA中存在存储库变更时,它将触发威胁-漏洞协调器来动态更新映射服务。

    When this orchestrator senses the repository changes in at least one of the SOAs , it triggers the Threat-vulnerability orchestrator to update dynamically the mapping service .

  17. 同时,提出通过NAT之后的主机定时向NAT发送保持映射的UDP消息,解决了NAT中动态地址映射保持问题。

    Moreover . A method of periodically sending UDP packet to NAT gateway is proposed in order to maintain the dynamic address mapping within the NAT .

  18. 同时,学生可以方便地设计类图之间的关系,并将这种关系动态地映射为Java语言代码。

    At the same time , students can easily design class diagram and the relationship between class and class diagram . The diagram and the relationship between class and class diagram can dynamically map into the Java language code .

  19. 相比于把“列”映射成程序代码或映射文件中的实体变量,ActiveRecord是在运行中基于你的数据库Schema动态生成映射的。

    Rather than mapping columns to instance variables in application code or a mapping file , ActiveRecord generates them dynamically at runtime based on your database 's information schema .

  20. 基于动态区间映射的数据对象布局算法

    A Data Object Placement Algorithm Based on Dynamic Interval Mapping

  21. 动态速率映射及其在无线数据传输中的性能研究

    A Study on Dynamic Rate Mapping and its Performances in Wireless Data Transmissions

  22. 可伸缩分布式动态区间映射算法

    A Scalable and Distributed Dynamic Interval Mapping Algorithm

  23. 采用一种动态全域映射收缩算子的复合形法编制出相应的计算机辅助设计系统。

    The CAD are designed by complex method with dynamic full reflection and retraction operator .

  24. 动态速率映射是一种简单而直接的解决方案来适应衰落的变化。

    A simple and direct solution , dynamic rate mapping , is studied to adapt to the varying fading .

  25. 通过改进规则的定义方式,采用与网络无关的规则库,动态拓扑映射技术,来创建易维护可扩展的告警相关性分析系统。

    The application of network and configuration independent rule sets , and dynamic topology mapping technologies makes alarm correlation system more maintainable and reliability .

  26. 降低维度的方法是基于将动态系统映射在由若干基本元素构成的子空间上,这些元素包含了期望解决结果的特有性质。

    The reduced-order approach is based on projecting the dynamical system onto subspaces consisting of basis elements that contain characteristics of the expect solution .

  27. 采用动态区间映射算法实现了每个虚拟磁盘绑定集中存储介质的负载均衡。

    By adopting the dynamical interval mapping algorithm , the paper realizes the load balance in the storage media of different virtual disk binding set .

  28. 在该框架上提出了一个动态分布式映射算法,该算法采用静态分布式算法建立虚拟网络,添加了动态处理节点失败和链路失败。

    Proposed a dynamic mapping algorithm based on this framework , this algorithm uses static distributed algorithm to create a virtual network , and add dynamic processing node failure and link failure .

  29. 提出了一种基于动态区间映射的数据对象布局算法,在均衡数据分配和最少迁移数据方面都是统计意义上最优的,并且支持按照存储节点的权重分配数据和任意的数据对象副本。

    A kind of algorithm for the optimal path of manipulation arm , which possesses restraint of joint turning angle based on dynamic solution region and has n degree of freedom , was put forward .

  30. 通过底层资源的动态参数映射机制和将任务作为集成单元的系统描述方式,能够更加灵活得集成异构遗留系统,降低集成所需时间和成本,提高集成效率。

    The combination of the dynamic mapping method of resources and the task based description model provided a more flexible integration platform for legacy system , reduced the time and cost of integration and improved the efficiency .