
  • 网络Actoin;Action;Action Mode
  1. 在对训练效应进行评价时,最好采用练习的动作或与练习动作形式接近的评价方法。

    However , to evaluate the effect of the training ways and methods , the best way is the practice action or the similar form .

  2. 假动作是篮球运动中常用的一种动作形式,其目的是掩盖自己的真实意图,让对方失去重心,摆脱对方,在攻守上获得有利位置。

    Fake action is one of act form in basketball game aiming at concealing its real intention and cheating the opponents into losing their center of gravity so as to free themselves from the opponents and get advantageous position in the attack and defense .

  3. 因此如果我拿一些点,然后让它们按生物动作形式来运动,大家的大脑回路会立即知道怎么回事。

    So if I take some dots and set them in motion with biological motion , your brain 's circuitry would understand instantly what 's going on .

  4. 因果图方法是一种有效的软件测试方法,它适合于描述对于多种条件的组合、相应产生多个动作形式的测试用例设计,因果图最终被转换为判定表。

    Graph of cause and effect is an effective software testing method , which is suitable to design the testing cases that the combination of multiple conditions generated multiple actions . The graph of cause and effect is ultimately transferred into decision table .

  5. 在一个RCP应用程序里,菜单和工具栏条目是以动作的形式表示。

    In an RCP application , menu and toolbar entries are represented with actions .

  6. 难度动作表现形式还有待丰富和提高。

    Expressing form need to be improved .

  7. 那些经历过严重事故的人常描述说,在事故发生的过程中,一切都以慢动作的形式进行。

    Those who have been in a serious accident often report that , as it occurred , everything happened in slow motion .

  8. 研究适合三相PWM逆变器软开关动作的载波形式。

    Carrier wave forms are studied to fit three-phase PWM inverter soft - switching operation .

  9. 该模型首先对柔性人机界面的控件、参数以及动作进行了形式化抽象描述,然后在给定的柔性人机界面标记集合的基础上,使用该自定义的标记构造了人机界面的具体描述。

    At first , the model described the widgets , actions and parameters of HCI . And it use the custom marks to construct the specific description of HCI based on the presented mark set .

  10. 演示法是速滑教学中最基本、最重要的教学手段,是教师传授速滑知识、技能及帮助学生建立技术动作表象和形式概念的基本途径。

    Demonstration is the most basic and the most important method in skating teaching ; is the basic way for teachers to pass on skating knowledge , skill and help students set up skill action 's representation and form concept .

  11. 但是手指滑动动作的视觉表现形式有所不同。

    But the visual representations of the sliding motion are somewhat different .

  12. 即时动作。指示灯形式为:红灯亮;

    In this case , the red indicator light will be lighted .

  13. 他们优雅的肢体语言和柔软的精彩表现帮助湖人摆脱落后的完美的动作的女性的形式。

    Their graceful body language and lithe movements underline the balletic perfection of the female form .

  14. 竹竿舞起源于民间舞蹈,动作简单易学,形式多样,配上优美的民族音乐,深得很多高校学生的喜爱。

    Because of its easy-learned motions and varied forms , bamboo pole dance , originated from folk dances , becomes many students tavirate .

  15. 在教学过程中,根据起跳动作技术发力的形式和特点,结合有关理论,指导学生进行训练。

    In the teaching process , according to the strengthening form and characteristic of long-jump techniques , combined with related theories , this article guided students to carry on the training .

  16. 河南省普通高校开展排舞选修课有了一定学生基础大部分学生比较喜爱排舞运动,能够接受排舞的运动方式、动作特点、组织形式。

    Henan ordinary university to carry out the line dance elective students have a certain based most of the students prefer line dance movement , can accept line dance movement way , action characteristics and organizational form .

  17. 感受动词通过与动作动词相同的形式表示感受义,它既不同于一般的动作动词,也不同于表感受义的形容词。

    Verbs of sensation or feelings are used to express one 's feelings and sensation in the same form as they are used as action verbs , yet they are different from either the action verbs or the adjectives expressing feelings or sensation .

  18. 大腿后群肌肉的解剖、生理特征及其在短跑技术动作中的工作形式所存在的功能性主动不足,外加训练方法和手段的匮乏,是大腿后群肌肉损伤频率较高的原因之一。

    Thigh muscle group anatomy , physiology and action in the work of sprint technique the existence of functional form of lack of initiative , plus the lack of training methods and means , the thigh muscle injury after the high frequency group of one of the reasons .

  19. 总结竞技体育礼仪缺失的形式和特点:主要有侮辱性言辞和身体动作行为两种形式;公共性、不确定性、多变性、多样性、危害性、扩散性、故意性、利己性等特点。

    Summarized in the form of lack of competition in sports , etiquette and characteristics : The main insulting words and physical movement behavior in two forms ; public nature , uncertainty , variability , diversity , harmful , invasive , intentional nature of self-serving nature and so on .

  20. 成套动作中5种动作结构组齐全,动作完成、连接形式呈多样化。

    Five movement groups are all available in the complete sets , and the completion of movements and the form of connection are diverse .

  21. 我们给出了策略概念模型的形式化定义,把策略分为动作策略、目标策略、效用策略以及混和策略,并对动作做了形式化描述和分类。

    The policy concept model divides policy into action policy , goal policy , utility policy and mixed policy , and gives detail formalization and classification for action .