
  • 网络Opera Dance;dance in Chinese opera
  1. 戏曲舞蹈与古典舞蹈的融合与分离

    On the Integration and Separation of Traditional Opera Dances and Classical Dances

  2. 中国的新舞蹈艺术,得以从戏曲舞蹈和民间的土壤中滋生出来。

    New dances then came out of both opera dances and folk dances .

  3. 其色彩缤纷,它们与“戏曲舞蹈”同等重要。

    Colorful and various , they were as important as " opera dances " .

  4. 来自上海戏剧学院戏曲舞蹈分院,酷爱演奏长笛和萨克斯。

    From drama and dance branch of Shanghai Theater institute , love flute and sax very much .

  5. 戏曲舞蹈在中国古典舞形成、发展历程中,起到了承上启下的基础性作用。

    Chinese opera has deep significance on the Chinese classical dance and the opera dance plays the vital role in the establishment and development of the Chinese classical dance .

  6. 初期的创作大都以继承发展戏曲舞蹈与借鉴前苏联芭蕾舞剧的经验相结合为基本方法。

    The majority of the creations at that time were a continuation and the development of traditional Chinese opera dances . Efforts were also made to draw on the experience of ballet from the former Soviet Union .

  7. 中国古典舞承袭了中国古代舞蹈和中国戏曲舞蹈的部分元素,既有古典舞蹈的艺术特征和舞姿造型,又是传统戏曲舞蹈中各种动作和技巧的汇总。

    Chinese Classical Dance adopts some elements from ancient Chinese dance and Chinese opera . It has not only artistic features and dance style of classical dance , but also a variety of dance movements and techniques of traditional Chinese opera dance .

  8. 明清时期戏曲对舞蹈发展的影响

    The influence of traditional opera during the Ming and Qing Dynasties on the development of dance

  9. 在作为综合艺术的戏曲、舞蹈中,对武打技巧和舞蹈技巧有很高的要求。

    There is very high requirement to acrobatic fighting and dancing skill in synthetical artistic opera and dance .

  10. 在闽南,传统宗教精神和意识都渗透到了传统戏曲与民间舞蹈的方方面面。

    In Minnan , traditional religious spirit and consciousness infiltrated traditional opera and folk dance in many respects .

  11. 这就促使武术与戏曲、书法、舞蹈等传统文化之间具备了相通的审美特质。

    So it has aesthetic characteristics like such traditional culture as drama , calligraphy and dance .

  12. 本次活动将展示包括戏剧、戏曲、音乐、舞蹈、绘画、电影在内的台北艺术文化。

    It features a display of arts , including theater , opera , music , dance , painting and film .

  13. 仪式中呈现的音乐,包含戏曲、器乐、舞蹈、傩戏以及杂耍。

    The music presented in the ritual includes opera , instrumental music , dance , Nuo opera , and vaudeville .

  14. 文章从一些戏曲与民间传统舞蹈的现象去追寻宗教对闽南戏曲与民间舞蹈影响的痕迹。

    From the phenomena of some operas and dances , the article seeks the traces of religious influence toward Minnan opera and folk dance .

  15. 二人台是集民歌、器乐、戏曲、曲艺、舞蹈等各种艺术形式为一体的综合性民间艺术。其流传地主要是内蒙古中西部、晋北、陕北、冀北、宁北等地区。

    Er-Ren-Tai , a kind of folk art , is the collection of folk song , instrumental music , Chinese opera , folk dance , etc. It mainly spreads in the western of Mongolia and the northern of Shanxi , Shaanxi , Hebei Province .

  16. 作为戏曲之祖目连戏中的舞蹈,可以说达到了舞蹈戏剧化、戏剧舞蹈化之程度,为后一代戏曲舞蹈的丰富,发展提供了导向。

    The dance in Mu Lian Play , the most representative of local operas , has reached such a state that it : serves to enrich and develop dances in local opera in later times .