
  1. 仪式中呈现的音乐,包含戏曲、器乐、舞蹈、傩戏以及杂耍。

    The music presented in the ritual includes opera , instrumental music , dance , Nuo opera , and vaudeville .

  2. 中国文人作为劳动人民的一部分,在民间歌舞、说唱音乐、戏曲音乐、器乐及综合性乐种等传统音乐的传承与发展中起着积极的、不可替代的作用。

    And Chinese intellectuals played an important role in the folk dance , music , drama and music instruments .

  3. 民间音乐包括民间歌曲、民间舞蹈、民间说唱、民间戏曲、民间器乐五大类,蕴含着深刻的艺术价值和文化价值。

    Folk music includes folk songs , folk dances , folk singing , Opera , folk musical instruments-five , capture profound artistic merits and cultural values .

  4. 本文以其中的戏曲音乐和民族器乐中的代表乐种和乐器&昆曲和古琴为特色教学,以小见大,看大学生对本土音乐的领悟和理解。

    This paper takes the teaching of the last two sorts of music and their representatives Kuqu and Guqin as an example to survey the college student 's comprehension and understanding to our native music .

  5. 目前最早、最普遍的将中国传统音乐划分为五大类:民歌和古代歌曲、歌舞和舞蹈音乐、说唱音乐、戏曲音乐、民族器乐。

    At present , the earliest and most popular traditional Chinese music can be divided into five sorts including folk songs and ancient songs , song-and-dance and dancing music , hip-hop music , opera music as well as national instrumental music .