
  • 网络dramatic poem;dramatic poetry;verse drama
  1. 在戏剧诗《曼夫雷德》(1817)中,主人公将自己卖给了黑暗之王。

    In the dramatic poem Manfred ( 1817 ) the hero sells himself to the Prince of Darkness .

  2. 新诗戏剧任何书面的戏剧诗是口语;

    Verse drama is any drama written as verse to be spoken ;

  3. 诗包括史诗、抒情诗和戏剧诗,悲剧属于戏剧诗。

    Poetry includes epic poetry , lyric poetry and drama poetry , whereas tragedy belongs to the drama poetry .

  4. 史诗、抒情诗、戏剧诗、田园诗、象徵派的诗在中国新诗史上,现代派是营造意象的高手。

    Epic , lyric , dramatic , pastoral , symbolist , etc poetry In Chinese free-style verse , modernism is adroit at creating images .

  5. 戏剧独白诗中的说话人&以丁尼生、勃郎宁和艾略特的诗作为例

    The Speaker in the Dramatic Monologue ── With Illustrations of the Poems of Tennyson , Browning and Eliot

  6. 也有人曾研究反讽,但还是脱离不了研究那几首短篇戏剧独白诗时反讽结构的影响;

    There has also been research from a perspective of irony , which is limited to the structure of this poem .

  7. 也许戏剧影响诗的意义主要在于暗示到:佛洛斯特认为美国国家的特性有点像是浮士德的神话。

    Perhaps the significance of the influence consists mainly in the implication that Frost thought of the development of American national character in terms of the Faust myth .

  8. 以两个译本为例,阐述了戏剧独白诗的特性,即戏剧性、诗人与独白者的距离性以及口语性。

    This paper discusses the two translated versions from three points of view , that is , dramatic nature , the distance between the poet and the monologist as well as colloquialism .

  9. 我之所以喜爱戏剧和诗是因为它们这种创造性可以表达我的社会观,而学校论文让我向众人解释和说明重要的观点。

    I like poems and plays because they 're a creative way to express my social views and the school paper lets me explain and illustrate important points to a large number of people .

  10. 这一艺术追求延伸了音响效果,拓展了审美空间,是戏剧大师诗与剧融合审美理想的舞台实践。

    Cao sought in drama acoustics art . The art tracing , extending the meaning of acoustics as well as the aesthetic scope , is the stage practice that realizes the drama master 's aesthetic ideal to integrate poetry with drama .

  11. 古希腊戏剧中抒情诗和合唱诗的一部分。

    One section of a lyric poem or choral ode in classical Greek drama .

  12. 文体偏好上他天然地爱诗,认为诗是情绪的直写,小说、戏剧都没有诗的直切。

    On style preferences , he naturally loves poems . He thinks " poem is the sentiment " .

  13. 戏剧以散文或诗写成的,特别是叙述严肃的故事的,通过演员扮演人物角色,表演对话与动作来表现的作品。

    A prose or verse composition , especially one telling a serious story , that is intended for representation by actors impersonating the characters and performing the dialogue and action .