
  • 网络costume
  1. 戏剧服装设计推出了辉煌的时间至今,足以用于儿童的岩石爆炸服装的关注。

    Costume Design by Drama introduced a brilliant time so far , enough to be used in children 's rock explosion Costume attention .

  2. 在位于伦敦市中心的皇家戏剧学院(RoyalAcademyofDramaticArt),我见到了雷尼?莫尔希(RenyMorsch),她在这里学习电影和戏剧服装制作。

    I meet Reny Morsch in her tutor 's office at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in central London , where she is studying to become a costume maker for film and theatre .

  3. 颠覆潮流的苏联戏剧服装制作史她要么喜欢苏联戏剧

    Either she has a thing for Soviet theater ,

  4. 鸵鸟毛服装歌舞服装舞台服装舞蹈服装戏剧服装戏曲服饰舞会鸵鸟毛;

    Ostrich hair clothing the song and dance clothing the stage clothing dance clothing drama clothing drama dress dancing party ostrich hair ;

  5. 传统戏剧服装、刀、枪、剑、戟、戏帽、盔甲,现代及民间舞蹈服装、演出道具。

    A costume drama : the traditional drama clothing , knives , guns , sword , halberd , opera hat , armor , modern and folk dance costumes , props and performances .

  6. 戏剧中服装的几种表现形式

    Several Representations of Costume in Drama

  7. 戏剧和电影服装供应商也开始向威迪恩这样的企业采购产品,以便增强演出的真实性;

    Theatrical and film costumiers look to outlets like Wyedean to add authenticity and realism ;

  8. 清代戏剧理论家李渔的服装审美思想是值得重视的,他的这些思想集中保存在《闲情偶寄》中。

    The aesthetic thought of Li Yu , a drama theoretician of the Qing Dynasty , is well worth noticing .