
  • 网络dramatic monologue
  1. 戏剧独白诗中的说话人&以丁尼生、勃郎宁和艾略特的诗作为例

    The Speaker in the Dramatic Monologue ── With Illustrations of the Poems of Tennyson , Browning and Eliot

  2. 也有人曾研究反讽,但还是脱离不了研究那几首短篇戏剧独白诗时反讽结构的影响;

    There has also been research from a perspective of irony , which is limited to the structure of this poem .

  3. 以两个译本为例,阐述了戏剧独白诗的特性,即戏剧性、诗人与独白者的距离性以及口语性。

    This paper discusses the two translated versions from three points of view , that is , dramatic nature , the distance between the poet and the monologist as well as colloquialism .