
  • 网络suspension in play;audience involvement in a play
  1. 在回顾中发现人物关系,促使人物关系变化,增强戏剧悬念。

    In addition , the relationships between the characters were discovered and the changes of them were promoted , consequently , the dramatic suspensions were strengthened in the process of retrospection .

  2. 另外,在作品中大量描写民俗事象是周剧创作的一大特点,他的民俗描写对剧本中的人物、情节、结构、戏剧悬念、主题等方面都有重要的艺术意义。

    In addition , a large number of works describing Folklore Zhou a major feature of creative drama , and his description of the folk play the characters , plot , structure , dramatic suspense , theme and other aspects important artistic significance .