
  1. 这出戏下星期还要演出一场。

    There will be a further performance of the opera next week .

  2. “他们说这台戏下个月要出去巡回演出。”

    " They say this show is going on the road next month . "

  3. 贝基:这出戏下个星期在伦敦一个公园的露天剧场上演。

    It will be on next week at the open-air theatre in one of the London pareks .

  4. 虽然下集的预告片里没有黄老板,但从这场戏来看下一集还会有他的戏份。

    Sheeran 's scene also left an opportunity for him to return in the next episode , although he did not appear in the trailer .

  5. 你们已经“拥有”了这部戏,相信下个月在可当代艺术中心的表演会更好。

    You own this play , now , and you 'll be that much better when we do it again next month at the Ke Center for Contemporary Arts .

  6. 原定今天开拍的决斗戏被推迟至下个礼拜。

    The scheduled duel for today has been postponed until next week .

  7. (纸牌戏,尤指扑克牌戏中)下赌注超过(对手)

    ( in card-games , esp poker ) bet more than ( another player )

  8. 这部剧的拍摄速度又特别快(六天一场打斗戏,典型的香港电影是两周一场打斗戏),这下人们可以看出来武打电视剧为什么这么少了。

    Add to that the show 's accelerated shooting schedule ( six days per fight scene , as opposed to two weeks in your typical Hong Kong film ) , and one can see why martial-arts series are so rare .