
xì zi
  • actor or actress;(derog.) an actor
戏子 [xì zǐ]
  • [(derog.) an actor] 旧称职业戏曲演员(含轻视意)

  • 公子早已唤人搭起十座高台,选了二十班戏子。--《豆棚闲话》

戏子[xì zi]
  1. 他很有做戏子的派头。

    One can see that he is an actor by profession .

  2. “戏子”就是传统上对演员的鄙称。

    " Opera jokery " is a traditional derogatory term for actors .

  3. 在生活面前,我们都是赤裸裸的戏子。

    Confronted with life , we are all naked player .

  4. 请允许我带领我的戏子们出宫吧。

    I just want to take my men and get out of here .

  5. 而不再叫小威尔戏子或约翰·莎士比亚的儿子,

    not Young Will the actororJohn Shakespeare 's boy .

  6. 所以我注定了也是一个戏子。

    So I 'm fated to be an actor .

  7. 他不是英雄,却是那个让人感动,尊敬的平凡的戏子。

    He is not a hero but a respectable , ordinary and moving actor .

  8. 我们都是戏子只会为别人的故事流泪。

    We are all actresses , Will only for other people 's stories cry .

  9. 仿佛舞台上初次演出的戏子

    As an unperfect actor on the stage

  10. 就算最厉害的杂耍戏子也没法永远把一百颗球抛在空中呐。

    Even the finest of jugglers cannot keep a hundred balls in the air forever .

  11. 大千世界是个舞台,所有男男女女不过是戏子。

    All the world 's a stage , and all the men and women merely players .

  12. 老朋友,你可不只是杂耍戏子,你是个真正的魔术师。

    You are more than a juggler , old friend . You are a true sorcerer .

  13. 往最好了说,这是一个年轻人的新鲜事物;往最坏了说,这被看做一个丢脸的行当,或有点低俗,就像是做戏子。

    At best it was a juvenile novelty , at worst it was ­ considered shameful or slightly provincial , like ­ taking to the stage .

  14. 你:戏子,一直都是带着假面具做人,你所做的,不是大自内心的!为的是在我面前做戏!

    You : actors have always been a man with a mask , you do not mind large since ! For the purpose of staging a show in front of me !

  15. 你:先由骗子的角色,把我的感情骗了,在转换了戏子的角色,每一天都在我面前做戏!

    You : the role of first liar , cheat my feelings , and in the conversion of the play the role of son every day in front of me put on a show !