
  • 网络dramatic aesthetics
  1. 艺术之瓶里的希望之花&新月派戏剧美学观

    A Flower of Hope in the Vase of Art & A New Crescent Perspective on Dramatic Aesthetics

  2. 他所创立的叙事剧体系具有深远的意义和影响,在艺术理论和戏剧美学上都有重大的成就。

    The theory of epic theatre has great affection and significance on the theory of art and dramatic aesthetics .

  3. 雨果与法国浪漫主义戏剧美学

    Hugo and the Aestheticism of the French Romanticist Plays

  4. 中国戏剧美学与中国哲学

    The aesthetics of Chinese Drama and Chinese philosophy

  5. 二是满足了人们审美的需求,丰富了戏剧美学。

    The second is to meet the aesthetic needs of people , enriching the drama aesthetic .

  6. 因此,他们的戏剧美学观也是同中有异,异中见同,有很大的可比性。

    This paper will analyze their similarities and differences in dramatic aesthetics by using Chinese and western aesthetic methods .

  7. 他们二人生活的年代相近,但所受的中西方文化相差甚远。因此,他们的戏剧美学观也是同中有异,异中见同,有很大的可比性。

    Though they lived in the same era , western and eastern culture that they were effected by are quiet different .

  8. 本文分绪论与正文两部分。绪论从时代背景、宗教影响和哲学伦理基础这三方面来全面介绍莎士比亚与汤显祖戏剧美学思想的背景知识。

    The paper can be divided into two parts : the introduction which includes era background , religious and philosophical influence , and the body .

  9. 喜剧性语言的研究往往作为文学或者戏剧美学的一个附庸和补充,从语言学角度的研究较少。

    Most of the study on comic language is concerned as a kind of dependency or supplement to literature or dramatic aesthetics , seldom concerned from the aspect of linguistics .

  10. 中国电视剧审美流变。在中国电视剧的发展历程中,先后经历了三个阶段:戏剧美学阶段,电影美学阶段和电视剧美学阶段。

    Developments and changes of Chinese TV play , In its process of development , Chinese TV play has underwent three stages : dramatic aesthetics , movie aesthetics , and TV play aesthetics .

  11. 因此,她的戏剧美学具有一种大戏剧观的特征,与对于戏剧现象的具体个别的研究区别开来。

    In the basis of symbol aesthetics , she made deeply study in drama . As a result , Her drama thought could be called " great drama viewpoint ", which is distinguished from individual drama phenomenon .

  12. 本文试从戏剧美学和戏剧创作实践的角度,对戏剧冲突的主要特征进行初步探讨,以期剧作家更好地把握戏剧艺术规律,创作出富有时代精神的艺术佳品。

    This article discusses the main features of dramatic conflicts from the angle of dramatic aesthetics and production , so that the playwrights can handle the law of dramatic art and produce f ' me works of art .

  13. 若以《俄狄浦斯王》为样本,既可讨论命运观及其相关思想对于古希腊戏剧的美学贡献,又能揭示古典艺术精神之于现代人生观的启迪。

    King Oedipus taken as the example , the aesthetic contribution of fate and associated ideas to classical Greek dramas can be viewed , and enlightenment from the spirit of classical art can be revealed .

  14. 莎士比亚戏剧创作的美学特征

    Aes the tic Features of Shakespeare 's Play Writing

  15. 古代戏剧的传播美学与现代传播艺术

    Ancient Drama Dissemination and Modern Media Art

  16. 集体性多度性傻子性&戏剧鉴赏的美学特征研究漫笔

    Collectivity , Multiformity , and Obsession & A Study on Aesthetic Characteristics in Drama Appreciation

  17. 迪伦马特吸收了西方现代主义美学思潮中的许多特点,熔铸成自己独特的戏剧艺术与戏剧美学。

    In shaping his own theatric art and esthetics , Friedrich D ü rrenmatt has learned a lot from the European modernist literature .

  18. 《琵琶记》与《拜月亭》高下之辩,是明中叶至明晚期一场史无前例的戏曲论争,反映了不同戏剧美学家的美学思想,各有其立论的原因、意义。

    The unprecedented discussion about dramas from the middle to the end of Ming Dynasty reflected the different aesthetic thoughts of dramatists . Most of the dramatists had commented on the comparison between The Tale of Pipa and The Kiosk of Worshiping the Moon .

  19. 他们的作品有着相同的悲悯的戏剧情怀和相似的诗化的戏剧美学。

    Their works shared the common grief and indignation and similar poetical anesthetics of playwriting .

  20. 新月派的戏剧理论观在中国新文学的戏剧美学建设方面是独树一帜的。

    New Crescent dramatic theory has its own peculiarities in the dramatic aesthetics construction of China 's new literature .

  21. 第二章详细分析契诃夫戏剧的主要特点及体现在其戏剧美学、内容、风格等诸方面的现代性。

    Chapter Two mainly treats of the features of Chekhov 's plays and demonstrates the modernist factors in dramatic aesthetics , content and style , etc.

  22. 戏剧的写实主义&由文艺复兴肇始的戏剧美学观

    Realism in Drama & Aesthetic View on Drama Starting from the Renaissance

  23. 校园戏剧者进行了大胆设想和实验,探索多元的现代戏剧美学特征和艺术形态。

    A bold vision and the campus drama experiments developed in order to explore the diverse characteristics of modern drama aesthetics and artistic forms .

  24. 《琼斯皇》是奥尼尔现实主义戏剧和现代派戏剧的转折点,融表现主义、象征主义和现实主义戏剧美学思想为一体。

    The Emperor Jones is the turning point of Onear 's realist and modern dramas integrating expressionism impressionism and aesthetics of realist dramas .

  25. 中国戏剧是市民文化土壤上盛开的璀灿之花,有关戏剧的一些美学信息,隐含在汉字戏、剧的形义系统中。

    The play of China is a flower which came out on the soil of townspeople culture . There are some aesthetics information of China 's play in the system of form and meaning of Chinese character Xi and Ju .

  26. 同时,它还为戏剧艺术的发展留下了另一笔丰厚的遗产,那就是它们在戏剧美学上的创造,对旧的戏剧惯例的突破和对新的戏剧范式的建设。

    At the same time , they left a precious heritage for later development of theatre , which is its creation in dramatic aesthetics , its breakthrough to old dramatic tradition , and its establishment of theatre of new pattern .