
  • 网络explorative drama
  1. 探索戏剧的先驱:国剧运动之反思

    Pioneers of Drama : Retrospective upon the National Drama Movement

  2. 论哲理型探索戏剧

    On Exploring Dramas in the Thought of Philosophy

  3. 首先,校园戏剧的前卫性使其成为探索戏剧各个阶段发展的先锋。

    First , its avant-garde nature makes campus drama a pioneer in exploring the drama development at various stages .

  4. 与此同时,导演也开始纷纷觉醒,在舞台上探索戏剧新的叙事方式。

    At the same time , Directors are also starting to wake up to explore the new narrative ways on the stage .

  5. 新时期的现代主义戏剧通常称为“探索戏剧”,其艺术探索与创新给新时期戏剧带来蓬勃生机。

    Modernism drama in the new era is often referred to as " exploratory drama " whose artistic exploration and innovation bring vitality to drama in the new era .

  6. 探索戏剧“假定性”与西方现代戏剧中的“假定性”在精神实质上有很大不同。

    There is a tremendous difference in spiritual essence between the Chinese and the western drama , Fiction is not supposed to surpass the level of knowledge and acceptance of the audience .

  7. 笔者认为,作为美学研究的戏剧性研究应站在客观、科学的立场上,从最基础的戏剧事实出发,探索戏剧活动的本质规律。

    Most authors think , as a part of aesthetic research , the study of Theatricality should be objective and scientific , basing on the most basic facts of nature to explore the essence of drama .

  8. 对双方立场的理性反思,有利于我们探索中国戏剧发展的更为健全的道路。

    Introspecting both sides rationally is good for us to explore the way that can make Chinese drama develop better .

  9. 探索英语戏剧的潜在课程功能,可以通过其文化、语言、表演的技能训练,达到规范、导向、塑造、审美的目的;

    The potential function of English drama can be explored through culture , literature , language practice and acting techniques for the purpose of modeling , exemplifying , directing , and beautifying .

  10. 赶紧迈出你的第一步,探索小剧场戏剧的无限精彩与创意!你会惊叹这个“魔术箱子”所带给你的意想不到。

    Step out boldly with us as we experiment beyond the limits of creativity and wonder in our'magical'black box space .

  11. 美国伟大的剧作家尤金·奥尼尔,以其剧作的深厚思想内涵和富于探索精神的戏剧艺术手法而著称。

    As the most outstanding American playwright of his day , O'Neill 's plays are known for deep thoughts and rich art .

  12. 以及对传统东方戏剧结构的沿革和发展,对传统东方戏剧语言的继承和创新。通过这些方面的阐释和论证来探索东方近现代戏剧民族化和现代化的道路和途径。

    His inheritance and recreation of the traditional dramatic structures and the dramatic language .

  13. 荒诞的人生,痛苦的探索&荒诞派戏剧研究

    The Absurd Life , the Anguishing Exploration & A Study of the Theatre of the Absurd

  14. 不如就让自己臣服于冈田亨探索未知旅途的戏剧体验吧。

    Better to give yourself up to the theatrical experience of Okada 's passage into the unknown .

  15. 作者指出,巴尔巴的戏剧人类学是融合东西方戏剧的一种积极尝试,意在探索超越东西方戏剧传统的戏剧表演的普遍原则,并对这种探索作了积极的肯定。

    The author argues that the tendency attempts to seek universal principles in performance through the encounters of Oriental and Occidental theatre .

  16. 校园戏剧者进行了大胆设想和实验,探索多元的现代戏剧美学特征和艺术形态。

    A bold vision and the campus drama experiments developed in order to explore the diverse characteristics of modern drama aesthetics and artistic forms .

  17. 正如片名所示,影片是在探索时间的流逝、记忆、老去,以及艺术的生存,通过呈现本片主角,音乐家尼克·凯夫生活中虚构的一天来将这种探索戏剧化。

    As its title suggests , the film is an investigation into the passage of time , into memory and aging and artistic survival , as dramatized by a single imaginary day in the life of its subject , the musician Nick Cave .