
  • 网络aesthetic spirit
  1. 中国古代神话的悲剧性审美精神

    On the Tragical Aesthetic Spirit of Acient Chinese Myth and Lengends

  2. 第四,审美精神与语言能力。

    And ( 4 ) aesthetic spirit and linguistic competence .

  3. 略论文人画审美精神之流变

    On the Varieties of Aes the tic Spirit in Scholar Drawing

  4. 因此,教学模式的建构应以审美精神为追求。

    So aesthetic spirit should be persisted in teaching mode construction .

  5. 现代审美精神的张扬与新的文体意识的崛起&第四代报告文学作家创作论

    On the Creation Characteristic of the Fourth Generation Writer of Reportage

  6. 审美精神视角下体育教学模式的建构

    Construction of PE teaching mode from the view of esthetic spirit

  7. 美育的目的之一是培养审美精神。

    Objective Aesthetical education is intended to train aesthetical spirit .

  8. 审美精神与人文素质有相通性。

    The spirit of beauty appreciation correlates with human quality .

  9. 论和谐社会审美精神的建构和指向

    On Building the Esthetic Spirit of a Harmonious Society and Its Guidance

  10. 论审美精神的教育借鉴及其意义

    On the Educational Reference of Aesthetic Spirit and Its Significance

  11. 审美精神的追求与学习方式的变革

    Aesthetic Spirit Pursuit and the Change of Learning Style

  12. 中国审美精神的世俗性初论

    A Preliminary Discussion on the Aesthetic Secularity of China

  13. 中国书画的审美精神是什么

    On the Aesthetic Spirit of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

  14. 这两种审美精神最后都以不确定性为归属。

    Both the aesthetic spirits are attributed to uncertainty .

  15. 的、幻想性的审美精神。

    Secondly , a creative vision and a metaphysical and imaginary aesthetic spirit ;

  16. 古典审美精神的回归与生命意义的重建

    The Return of the Classical Aesthetic Spirit and the Reconstruction of the Meaning

  17. 中国近现代建筑民族风格的审美精神

    Aesthetics spirit of Chinese national architecture style

  18. 教学模式建构中的审美精神追求

    Aesthetic Spirit Pursuit in Teaching Mode Construction

  19. 清的人格之美、风度之美和艺术之美,充分体现了中国的独特的审美精神。

    The beautifulness of personality , demeanour and art fully embodied Chinese unique aesthetic conceptions .

  20. 试论中国的酒神文化精神&兼论魏晋士风及对当代审美精神发展的反思

    On the Culture of Chinese Dionysus

  21. 素质教育呼唤审美精神

    Quality Education Advocates Aesthetic Spirit

  22. 从文化启蒙到文化建构&论语文阅读的审美精神

    From Cultural Enlightenment to Cultural Construction & On Aesthetic Spirit of Harmonious Reading in New Curriculum Chinese

  23. 总之,他是以高超的审美精神来安顿人生,超越困境。

    In a word , he settles down in life with superb aesthetic spirit , and surmount the predicament .

  24. 在对题材和形式的分析中表现潜在层面上的审美精神。

    In the analysis of subject matter and forms , it performs the aesthetic spirit in the potential level .

  25. 本文从美学的角度,对中国古代文学中诗和酒交融现象的审美精神做一探索。

    The disquisition is probing to verse and wine blending appearance in the Chinese literature through the aesthetics angle .

  26. 针对当前大众文化的感性沉沦,应该重申文化的审美精神。

    In view of the sensual degradation of the current mass culture , the aesthetic spirit should be reaffirmed .

  27. 由于经济、政治、社会思想等的影响,不同时代有不同的审美精神。

    In the influence of economy . politics and social ideology , there are different aesthetic spirits in different ages .

  28. 人作为自然的存在、社会的存在、精神的存在三个层面而言,相应地在人身上体现出三类精神:道德精神、科学精神、审美精神。

    As the natural , social and immaterial existence , human has three kinds of spirit : moral , scientific and aesthetic spirit .

  29. 有了这座充满文化气息的城市作为依托,六朝的审美精神才有可能变成一种蔚为壮观的景象。

    With the city full of culture as based on the aesthetic spirit of the Six Dynasties can be turned into a magnificent picture .

  30. 我们在继承传统陶瓷文化精髓的同时,勇于创新,积极开发符合时代审美精神的新产品。

    We have inherited the essence of traditional culture , meanwhile , we also develop new products which are accord with the modern taste .