
  • 网络subject;TAS;the aesthetic subject
  1. 审美主体的发展对艺术叙事模式的影响

    The Influences of Aesthetic Subject on the Mode of Artistic Narration

  2. 审美主体有两个基本属性:客观制约性和主观能动性。

    Aesthetic subject has two basicfeatures : objective constraints and subjective initiative .

  3. 论音乐审美主体偏好的差异规律

    On the Law of subjects ' Preference Difference in Music Appreciation

  4. 音乐鉴赏教学中审美主体能动性研究

    The Study of Subjective Initiative in the Teaching of Music Appreciation

  5. 日常生活审美化讨论中,审美主体在审美中的重要性被忽视了。

    The importance of aesthetic subject is ignored in the discussion .

  6. 译者是审美主体,文本是审美客体。

    The translator is the subject and the text is the object .

  7. 中西文学审美主体意识的历史进向

    The Historical Process of Chinese - Hesperian Literary Aesthetic Subject - consciousness

  8. 室内环境设计审美主体意识初探

    Subjective Awareness in Appreciation of Beauty in Interior Environment Design

  9. 审美主体与伦理主体的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Aesthetic Subjects and Ethical Subjects

  10. 论翻译审美主体的禀赋资源与文学翻译

    On the Endowments of Aesthetic Subjects and Literature Translation

  11. 从符号学看审美主体与符号客体的价值关系

    Value Relationship between Aesthetic Subject and Semiotic Object from the Perspective of Semiotic

  12. 对审美主体性的阐释是现代美学研究的一个核心性主题。

    The explanation of the aesthetic subject is the core topic of aesthetics .

  13. 第二,对审美主体价值的高扬;

    Secondly , it uplifts the subjectival value ;

  14. 当前中国城市审美主体的发展状况

    Current development condition of urban principal aesthetic population

  15. 其次,回顾了主体性与交互主体性、审美主体性与审美交互主体性理论。

    Second , recall subjectivity and intersubjectivity , aesthetic subjectivity and aesthetic intersubjectivity theory .

  16. 其德育功能主要表现在:(1)有助于塑造审美主体;

    Its function of moral education includes : 1.being helpful to mould aesthetic main-body ;

  17. 论马克思的审美主体意识理论

    On Marxist Theory of the subject aesthetic judgement

  18. 同时,审美主体才抵达大美之境。

    In the same time , the aesthetic subject has arrived the region of great beauty .

  19. 第二章是对对话美学的审美主体和审美对象理论的研究。

    The second chapter studies on the aesthetical subject and object theory of the dialogism aesthetics .

  20. 主体的死亡与复活&福柯生存美学的审美主体及其当下启示

    The Death and Rebirth of Subject-Aesthetic Subject in Foucault 's Aesthetics of Existence and Its Revelation

  21. 二者在审美主体与客体的统一中,都具备了生态审美的初步形态。

    The unities of subject and object in the two patterns are the preliminary ecological aesthetic form .

  22. 审美主体运用直觉瞬间感应对象,审美于是变成自由的游戏。

    Aesthetic subject used intuition instantly sensing object , and turn it into a " free game " .

  23. 对中国戏曲翻译而言,审美主体包括翻译者和读者。

    As to the translation of Chinese opera , the aesthetic subject embraces both the translator and reader .

  24. 第二部分,笔者主要介绍了翻译美学中的审美主体与审美客体。

    In the second part , the author introduces some elements of Aesthetics including aesthetic subjects and aesthetic objects .

  25. “道&美”不管是涌现也好,还是领会也好,这里还需要专题化讨论审美主体问题。

    To " Tao-Beauty ", whatever it is emerging or grasping , it needs specially discussing aesthetic Subject issue .

  26. 论述了体育运动的美学价值和体育审美主体与体育运动美感之间的关系。

    This paper discusses the esthetic value and the relationship between the sports esthetic subject and athlete sports esthetics .

  27. 读者是译作的审美主体,通过阅读活动实现译作审美价值的艺术生成。

    The aesthetic value of the translated text can only be concretized in the reading of target language readers .

  28. 其次是从审美主体的心理机制生理机制研究大众文化阶段审美疲劳的成因。

    Second is the psychological mechanism of the main aesthetic physiological mechanism of popular culture causes aesthetics weariness tage .

  29. 首先,视觉文化的转向引起了审美主体的扩张。

    First of all , the shift of the visual culture caused the expansion of the main aesthetic parts .

  30. 此过程一旦完成,审美主体就达到了与道为一的自由境界,也就是自得而乐的审美境界。

    If this process once was completed , the esthetic subject will enter into a free and esthetic boundary .