
shěn měi xué
  • aesthetics
  1. 客户端API的开发人员会关注应用程序的用户界面、审美学和外观。

    Developers of client-side APIs naturally focus on the user interface , aesthetics , and the look and feel of the application .

  2. 他曾受到一个音乐审美学主要问题的推动。

    He had been stimulated by one of the principal questions of musical aesthetics .

  3. 艺术类和审美学的职业将会是你绝佳的选择。

    Artistic and aesthetic vocation would be your perfect choice .

  4. 漆画艺术以审美学为中心的探讨

    Discussion of Lacquer Art Centering around Aesthetics

  5. 艺术审美学的绘画教学思考

    Teaching Painting in Terms of Aesthetics

  6. 想象的审美学分析

    An Aesthetic Analysis of Imagination

  7. 第二章回顾了相关的电影改编研究和审美学理论。

    Chapter two is the theory part with a review of the relevant theories concerning film adaptation and aesthetics .

  8. 苹果公司的网站将其产品、整个产品线的审美学标准都融入其中。

    Apple 's website incorporates the same aesthetic as that of its product interfaces , and indeed its entire product line .

  9. 本文在对广告语进行了简单的介绍的基础上,重点从审美学的角度对广告语的翻译进行了分析。

    After brief introduction to advertisements , this paper puts its emphasis on the analysis of advertisement translation from the perspective of aesthetics .

  10. 第四部分,笔者从操作层面探讨了审美学视域下阅读教学、作文教学、梳理探究教学开展的一般模式。

    The fourth part , the author discusses the aesthetic view of reading teaching , writing teaching , teaching to carry out general pattern comb .

  11. 第五,审美学上,维柯停留于古希腊哲学或经院哲学的美之观念层面。

    ( v ) in the subject of aesthetic ideas , Vico stays on the level as the Greek philosophy or the Christian philosophy in the Middle Ages did .

  12. 文章从生理学、心理学、审美学等层面分析论证健美操在增进大学生心理健康方面的功效,指出健美操是有效增进大学生心理健康的便捷途径与方法。

    From the mental change in aesthetic activities , the writer analyses the promotion to mental health of university students and furthermore puts forward the thought of aesthetic education .

  13. 第三部分:想象的审美学品格重视审美境界的开启、审美之无与生命自由、守望精神家园是想象在新的理论视野观照下所表现出来的审美学品格。

    Part Three : The aesthetic characteristics of imagination Stressing the opening of aesthetic realm , free life , defending spiritual homeland are all the aesthetic characteristics under the new theoretical view .

  14. 车身覆盖件曲面品质的纯几何评价准则是曲面品质数字化分析和优化的依据,但是单一的纯几何本构特征准则不能反映产品审美学表观特征的定性指标要求。

    Pure geometry evaluation criteria of Auto-body cover panel are critical problems for analysis and optimization of surface inspectional rule . But single pure geometry evaluation criteria cannot reflect request of aesthetical character .

  15. 此外,把对怀旧的审美学分析具体运用到文艺活动中,也会让我们看到文艺活动中拥有源源不断的怀旧母题和内涵丰富的怀旧意象。

    In addition , the nostalgic aesthetics applied to literary and artistic activities , let us see the cultural activities have a steady stream of nostalgic themes and content of the nostalgic image .

  16. 施行组织缺损修复、整复畸形或器官重建手术时都应权衡美学因素利弊,以审美学的观点进行总体设计,尽可能避免术后给患者带来的美中不足。

    The advantages and disadvantages of aesthetic factors were weighed for decreasing a fly in the ointment to patient after operation while plastic operation of defect repair , deformity correction and organ reconstruction were performing .

  17. 他的设计的项目远远超过了审美学的愉悦感,它们带给来访者高品质的感觉,同时,任何很小的设计也会使生活空间非常方便和舒适。

    His projects go beyond being aesthetically pleasing ; they give the visitor a feeling of high quality , while at the same time are complete with many small design features that make living in the space very convenient and comfortable .

  18. 第一章主要从怀旧这一人类永恒的心理特质和本能入手,对其进行考证和分析,并把它纳入审美学的研究中,找出怀旧这一现象与审美学理论的契合点。

    Part one mainly starting from the nostalgia of the eternal human psychological traits and instincts , their research and analysis , and bring it into the aesthetics of research to find out the nostalgia of this phenomenon and the meeting point of the theory of aesthetics .

  19. 劳动-巫术说的审美发生学探究

    Exploration and Study of the Theory of Aesthetic Origin of Labor - Sorcery

  20. 教育美学因与审美教育学在研究对象关系上含混不清,导致学科建设基础不稳。

    The unstable foundation of subject construction of educational aesthetics is the result caused by its vague relationship on the research object with aesthetic pedagogy .

  21. 本文在现有考古实证材料的基础上,对云南的旧石器时代及新石器时代石制工具文化,及其造型形态进行了审美发生学的探讨。

    Through an analysis of the existing archaeological findings , the author discusses the Stone-Age culture and the forms of stone tools in Yunnan from the perspective of genetic aesthetics .

  22. 作者在云南民族原始文化混融性的整体意义上,对云南少数民族神话中规范性的伦理意识及其仪式化的操作方式,作出了初步的审美发生学探讨。

    From the whole sense of primitive culture mixture of ethnic groups in Yunnan , the author makes an aesthetical discussion on the normative moral sense and the way of its ritual operation in the ethnic myth in Yunnan .

  23. 毫无疑问!艺术不等同于现实,他们的目的、作用各有不同,这种差异必然形成了一种距离感,审美心里学称之为心理距离。

    There is no doubt ! Art is not the same as reality , their purpose , roles vary ; such differences will inevitably lead to a sense of distance , aesthetic psychology is called the " psychological distance " .

  24. 论文学审美品格的学理基础与体现方式

    On the academic theory basis and reflecting patterns of literature appreciation

  25. 民间工艺审美的现象学阐释&以土家织锦为例

    The Phenomenological Interpretation of Esthetics in Folk Craft & An Example of Tujia Brocade

  26. 叙事理论的发展与审美文化叙述学

    Development of Narrative Theories and Cultural Aesthetic Narratology

  27. 第三部分是从盛唐的时代背景出发,从政治、经济、文化、审美、书学、书写工具和材料作为客观因素对颜体行草书风起到促成作用。

    The third part starts with the settings of prosperous Tang dynasty , promoting its style from the points of politics , culture , economy , aesthetics , writing tools and materials .

  28. 论审美启蒙理论的学理基础

    On Learning and Theoretical Base of Aesthetic Judgment Enlightenment Theory

  29. 叙述化审美生存境界的学理描述

    Description of the School for Aesthetic Survival Realm Described

  30. 日常生活的审美化与文艺学的学科反思

    Aestheticization of everyday life and thinking of the subject of literature and art