
  1. 高超的观察视点独特的审美感悟&《我的安东尼亚》潜在的统摄性

    Superb Point of View , Unique Aesthetic Perception & The Potential Unity of My Antonia

  2. 这种现象一方面源于画图强烈的艺术感染力,同时也是诗人本身敏锐的审美感悟和浪漫情怀所致。

    This phenomenon result from a kind of strong artistic communication in paintings , as well as poets ' own aesthetic sentiment and romantic affection .

  3. 传承千年的中国茶文化以其独特的文化视角和审美感悟折射出不同时代的美学追求与审美价值理念。

    Chinese Tea Art , with thousands of years history , reflects aesthetic pursuit and aesthetic values of times in its special views of culture and aesthetic perception .

  4. 从古至今,中外文论多人提到审美感悟在艺术鉴赏中的突出地位,为突出阅读初感在阅读文本中的作用提供依据。

    From ancient times , people referred to in the foreign language of aesthetic perception in art appreciation in a prominent position , in order to highlight the first sense of reading the text , and to provide the first sense .

  5. 从林语堂创作的七部小说中,选取《京华烟云》中的姚木兰,《朱门》的杜柔安,《红牡丹》的梁牡丹三个女性为典型表现林语堂对女性与文化的新的审美感悟。

    In seven novels which creates from Lin Yutang , selects " National capital Smoke cloud " the Yao Lily magnolia , " Vermilion gate " Du Rou is peaceful , " Red Peony " Liang peony three females for typical perspective Lin Yutang to female esthetics new solution .

  6. 审美、感悟与人文素养&透视影视文化中的德育因子

    Aesthetics , Realization and Humanistic Attainments & Perspective view of moral factors in video cultures

  7. 独特的审美经验感悟和体验与多姿多彩的艺术手法是风格得以形成的前提。

    Unique aesthetic experience of perception and experience with the colorful art style are the way to the formation of the premise .

  8. 摘要水墨是中国美术的独特产物,它造就了中华民族独特的审美气质和感悟能力。

    Water ink art is the unique production of Chinese painting , which raised our nation 's distinctive appreciation of beauty and its ability of realizing .

  9. 影响和支配音乐创作主体的心理因素有感知记忆、思维想像、审美体验、直觉感悟、实践意志等。

    This article is concerned with some investigation and research on the psychological factors , mental perception and memory , thought and imagination , aesthetic experience , intuition , willpower to practice , etc. , which influence and govern music composers .

  10. 变态心理艺术化的过程,怎样加强审美趋动、深化审美语境、锻炼审美感悟,均为审美心理学和艺术学已经忽略而又不该忽略的课题。

    The ratifying process of abnormal psychology , the strengthening of the aesthetical motivation , the deepening of the aesthetical language situation , the cultivation of the aesthetical inspiration - all these are the subjects that have been neglected but should not be neglected .

  11. 音乐审美教育归根结底在于人们在接受音乐教育的同时不断培养和提高自身的音乐审美素质以及感悟音乐的能力。

    The music esthetic education lies in the people while to accept music education in the final analysis to raise and to improve own music esthetic quality unceasingly as well as feel the ability of music .

  12. 审美感知阅读是指学生在阅读时,对作品的语言符号、意象等在头脑中的感知反映,从而获得审美的感悟。

    Aesthetic sensing reading refers to students ' sensory reactions to the linguistic symbols and images of the reading , by means of which students acquire the aesthetic awareness .