
shěn pàn jiě shì
  • court interpretation;trial interpretation
  1. 审判解释的错位和重新定位司法独立与检察功能的转化

    The Misplace and Reorientation of the Judicial Explanation On the Reorientation of Chinese Procuratorial Function

  2. 司法权的特性和一般运作规则决定了司法权仅指裁判权,司法解释应当仅指审判解释,审判解释具有必然性。

    Judicial power only refers to the power of courts by means of its characteristics and general operating rules , and judicial interpretation should only means explanations by court which has its nature of certainty .

  3. 后者如司法审判中不利解释原则的适用。

    The latter provides , such as interpretation rules in judicial process .

  4. 她不应该接受一个审判,来解释她做的事吗?

    Does she not deserve a trial , to explain the things that she has done ?

  5. 导言部分通过对王海打假案一例中法律解释的不同观点的呈现,指出在司法审判中法律解释导致法律论证发生的情形。

    The part of introduction , after giving an example , the writer pointed out the situation that the legal interpretation resulted in the legal argumentation .

  6. 这不符合司法审判过程中法律解释与法律适用不可分离的客观要求,对我国高素质法官职业群体的形成与发展也会有负面影响。

    By which the objective requirements fail to be met that legal interpretation never be separated from legal application in the procedure of judicial judgment , negative influence on the high-quality professional judge class 's formation and development is produced in China .