
  1. 现阶段所有案件审理所做的就是如此。

    That 's what all trials do at this stage of the game .

  2. 法院经审理所做出的民事判决具有相当的确定性和权威性,非经法定程序,不得做任何变更。

    The court made the judgment has and authority for determining equivalent , not by the statutory procedures , shall not make any alteration .

  3. 监督程序是蒙古国最高法院对已经发生法律效力的初审法院判决或上诉法院判决的法律适用问题进行审理所适用的程序。

    The supervision procedure is applied in the law application issues by the Mongolia Supreme Court in the trial by the first trial court and the court of Cassation .

  4. 发生法律效力的判决、裁定是由第二审法院作出的,按照第二审程序审理,所作的判决、裁定,是发生法律效力的判决、裁定;

    dgment or order ; " " if the legally effective judgment or written order was made by a court of second instance , the case shall be tried in accordance with the procedure of second instance , and the new judgment or written order shall be legally effective ; "

  5. 在国外许多国家,民事诉讼审前程序都是民事诉讼法的重要内容,指法院受理民事案件后到开庭审理前所运行的一系列诉讼程序的总称。

    In many foreign countries , the civil pretrial procedure plays an important part in the civil litigation law .

  6. 第二章论述根据现代刑事法理念构建刑事再审理由所应具备的理论基础。

    Second chapter dissertates the theoretic bases of how to establish the system of retrial procedure according to the modern criminal law idea .

  7. 成都市武侯区人民法院医疗纠纷案件审理中所呈现的司法救助状况值得思考。

    The medical tangle cases accepted by the People 's Court of Wuhou District set people thinking the existing situation of the juridical remedies .

  8. 口供作为刑事证据之一,在案件侦查和审理中所发挥的作用,历来为广大办案人员所重视。

    The role that verbal confession , as part of criminal evidence , plays in the process of case investigation and trial , has constantly been valued .

  9. 可以将中国传统社会案件审理中所涉及的道德称为“司法者的道德性”,将西方法理学强调的道德称为“法律或司法的道德性”。

    The morality involved in trials of Chinese traditional society may intitule " judicator 's ethicality ", while which emphasized by occidental jurisprudence intitule " legal or judicial ethicality " .

  10. 该标题指的是宋世杰和其机智、滑稽的动作对审理宋世杰所起诉的案件(包括本案)的法官的影响。

    The title refers to the effect that Song Shijie and his wit and antics have on judges trying the cases that he brings to court , including this case .

  11. 本文以国内首例引入Bolar例外案为例,试图通过在案件审理过程中所反映出来的对现实利益的权衡,分析、探讨以引入利益衡量理论解决专利知识产权保护制度中的矛盾。

    This article takes the first case on intellectual property & " Bolar exception " Case , trying to reflected the interests balance of reality in the proceedings of case .

  12. 诉讼代理人为了申请再审的需要,可以查阅已经审理终结的所代理案件有关材料。

    A law agent may consult the materials relating to the case it represents for the purpose of applying for retrial .

  13. 文章从第一审审判程序和第二审审判程序两个方面进行分析,并且在各审程序当中,又纵向论述了审理土地案件所必需历经的程序,从案件的受理,到审查和裁判等各个方面。

    The article analyzes from two aspects of the trial proceedings of first instance and second instance , and in which respectively discusses vertically all trial procedures necessary for land cases trial including admissibility of the case , reviewing , referees and other aspects .

  14. 遗产税和律师费,远远超出了遗产托管机构持有并存放在新泽西州一间仓库里的为数不多的剩余藏品的价值。因此,遗嘱检验法院决定该案不值得继续审理,除非所涉财产进行了恰当清点。

    The tax bill and claims for lawyers " fees so outweigh the value of the handful of remaining classical works held by the estate in a warehouse in New Jersey that the Surrogate 's Court decided it was not worth proceeding until a proper accounting can be made .

  15. 该章依据解释方式之不同,逐类分析了专家组和上诉机构在审理案件过程中所采用的解释条约的方法。

    According to the different ways of interpreting , this author analyzed each method used by the panel and the Appellate Body in practice .

  16. 刑事二审期限制度是关于司法审判机关审理刑事二审案件所须遵守的法定期限制度。

    System of the criminal second trial period is about criminal appeals courts judicial authority required to comply with the legal time limit of the system .

  17. 常州市中院经审理认为,被告所生产的提花牛仔布上印制有原告注册的路易威登系列商标图案,已构成侵犯原告的注册商标专用权;

    The Court held that the defendant 's act infringed LV 's trademark rights and the defendant also took advantage of the plaintiff products'reputation to harvest inequitable interests .

  18. 行政诉讼审前程序是指行政案件起诉后,开庭审理前法院和当事人围绕开庭审理所进行的一系列活动的诉讼程序。

    Administrative pretrial procedure is a procedure in which parties make a series of action rounded with trial in court after the administrative case is entertained but is not opened a court session .

  19. 刑事二审审理方式是第二审法院审理刑事二审案件所采用的方法和程式。

    Criminal second trial means the court of second instance trial methods and programs used in case of second instance .

  20. 再审程序是对生效的判决和裁定发现具有法定的情形而进行再次审理的一种特殊程序,其目的是为了纠正裁判中存在的错误或法官在审理时所实施的违反法定程序的行为。

    The retrial procedure , a special procedure rehearing the verdict and judge which has been taken effective , is to correct the error of the judge or the violation of legal procedure of the judge .

  21. 法官审理案件时,在适用法律的方式上有逻辑演绎和经验判断之分,这与他们在具体案件审理时所进行的不同的法律推理有关。

    There are deductive logic and experience judge on the pattern of suitable law when a judge is trying a case . It is in relation to different law reasonings used when they are trying concrete cases .