
tè shū dì yù ɡuǎn xiá
  • special jurisdiction;special territory of jurisdiction
  1. 其二,界定一般地域管辖、特殊地域管辖、专属管辖、协议管辖之间的关系。

    Second , between limits general region jurisdiction , special region jurisdiction , exclusive jurisdiction , agreement jurisdiction relations .

  2. 专属管辖的修改制度方面:不动产物权纠纷规定为专属管辖;将不动产债权纠纷、港口作业中发生的纠纷、继承遗产纠纷这三类案件规定为特殊地域管辖。

    Exclusive jurisdiction to modify the system : the real property disputes to the exclusive jurisdiction provisions ; the property claims disputes , disputes arising from port operations , inheritance disputes , the provisions of these three cases , the special territorial jurisdiction .

  3. 特殊地域管辖制度是民事诉讼程序中不可或缺的保障性程序,其设置目的在于有利于当事人参加诉讼和法院审判,以求达到诉讼的经济。

    The special region jurisdiction system is in the civil proceedings the indispensable indemnificatory procedure , its establishment goal lies in is advantageous participates in the lawsuit and the court trial in the litigant , achieves the lawsuit in order to the economy .

  4. 特殊地域管辖制度方面:删除第24条、第26条至第31条等立法条文中的被告住所地字样;进一步明确和规范合同履行地规则;确定侵权行为地。

    Domicile in the system : the deletion of article 24 , 26 to 31 , and other legislative provisions of the " defendant has his domicile ," the word ; to further clarify and standardize the rules of contract performance ; determine the infringement .

  5. 特殊地域管辖制度的问题:特殊地域管辖与一般地域管辖逻辑关系混乱;特殊地域管辖与协议管辖混同;合同纠纷的特殊地域管辖问题;侵权纠纷的特殊地域管辖问题。

    Geographical jurisdiction of the system of special problems : special territorial jurisdiction and territorial jurisdiction of the general confusion in logic ; special territorial jurisdiction and jurisdiction by agreement confused ; contract dispute issues of special territorial jurisdiction ; infringement dispute territorial jurisdiction of the special issue .