
  • 网络UHV power grid;Ultra-high voltage grid
  1. 随着特高压电网的兴起,起到无功补偿作用的特高压并联电抗器越来越受到重视。

    With the rise of ultra-high voltage grid , UHV shunt reactors which play the role of reactive power compensation is becoming increasingly important .

  2. 全国联网格局基本形成,特高压电网发展日益跟进,能够在此种情况下实现电力系统安全稳定控制就成为了我们研究的主要问题。

    In the case of regional connection growing with ultra-high voltage grid , the security of such power grid is becoming a major problem for our research .

  3. 基于FACTS的交流特高压电网无功补偿

    Reactive power compensation with FACTS for ultra-high voltage power system

  4. 计及FACTS装置的电力系统无功优化研究基于FACTS的交流特高压电网无功补偿

    Optimal Reactive Compensation with FACTS Devices Reactive power compensation with FACTS for ultra-high voltage power system

  5. 特高压电网通信方案及OPGW工程技术的研究

    Research of the telecommunication system on ultra high voltage grid and OPGW engineering technology

  6. 最后,给出了2010年水平特高压电网的GIC初步评估结果。

    Finally , I assess the result of the GIC in the 2010 planning ultra-high voltage power grid .

  7. 作为新型、可靠、实用的FACTS装置,磁阀式可控电抗器的出现为超高压、特高压电网的电压控制、无功调节提供了一种全新的技术手段。

    As a new-type , reliable , practical FACTs equipment , the appearance of magnetic controllable reactor provide a new technical method for EHV and UHV in the field of voltage control and reactive power regulation .

  8. 西北电网750kV输变电工程关键技术的研究和工程的顺利投运,对促进我国特高压电网的建设和研究具有积极意义。

    These study results have been used in design of 750 kV transmission project in Northwest China Power Grid .

  9. 浅议直升机作业在我国特高压电网中的应用

    Analysis of Helicopter Patrol Application Prospect in China 's UHV Grid

  10. 推进特高压电网建设服务四川经济发展

    Advancing UHV Power Grid Construction for Serving Development of Sichuan Economy

  11. 特高压电网中可控电抗器的应用研究

    Applied Research on Controlled Shunt Reactor in Ultra-high Voltage Power Grid

  12. 前向误码纠错技术在特高压电网通信中的应用

    Application of forward error correction in Ultra High Voltage power grid communication

  13. 四川水电的根本出路在于特高压电网

    The Fundamental Way Out for Sichuan Hydroelectricity Lies in Extra High Voltage Network

  14. 交流特高压电网调度运行的技术研究与实践

    Research on and Practice of Dispatching Operation Technique on the UHV AC Grid

  15. 特高压电网无功补偿设计和运行方法研究

    Research on design and operation methods of reactive power compensation for ultra-high voltage grids

  16. 特高压电网尽早引入山东的必要性分析

    Analysis of Necessity on Ultra-high Voltage Grid Leading into Shandong with the Least Delay

  17. 特高压电网是我国目前电网建设工作的重点。

    UHV power network is currently the focus of power grid construction in China .

  18. 国外特高压电网建设实践的启示

    Overseas practice of UHV grid construction

  19. 特别是特高压电网的建设,远距离的特高压电力外送通道在重载情况下,很有可能产生功率振荡。

    With the construction of UHV power grid , the power oscillation is likely to emerge .

  20. 随着我国能源基地和特高压电网的建设,将形成华东、东北、华中、粤闽琼和京津冀鲁五大受端电网。

    With the development of energy bases and UHV , several huge receiving-end power systems are emerging .

  21. 如果解决不好这些问题,将给特高压电网的安全稳定运行带来严重的隐患。

    Potential dangers would threaten secure and stable performance of UHV grid if these problems could not be solved properly .

  22. 中国的国家电网随着特高压电网的快速发展成为全球最大的电网。

    The nation 's power grids coverage has become the world 's largest with fast expansion of ultra-high voltage network .

  23. 特高压电网是智能电网建设的技术支撑,为智能电网的发展建设搭建了良好的平台。

    As the technical support of intelligent electric grid , UHV grid has being built a good platform for it .

  24. 随着我国交流特高压电网的发展,对我国电网的稳定运行提出了更高的要求。

    Along with the development of Ultra High Voltage Power Grid , grid operation in China has put forward higher stability requirements .

  25. 同时,发展特高压电网,可以推动我国电力技术创新和电工制造业的技术升级。

    At the same time , the development of UHV power grid can promote the technical upgrade of innovative electrical technology and manufacture .

  26. 超高压与特高压电网作为大范围电能传输的重要方式,各自具备优势,也存在问题。

    EHV and UHV power transmission grid as a wide range of important ways , each has an edge , there are also problems .

  27. 针对四川特高压电网建设、四川电网将面临的问题,提出了相应建议。

    Ainiry at the construction of Sichuan UHV power grid and the problems faced by Sichuan power grid , the corresponding suggestions are put forward .

  28. 特高压电网、智能电网的发展以及新能源并网等问题的出现,要求对电网进行有效的合理的规划。

    With the advent power grid , smart gric development , as well as new energy and network problems , effective and rational planning of the grid .

  29. 特高压电网建设是我国电力布局的大方向,而特高压装备的国产化也将是发展趋势。

    UHV power grid construction is the direction of power distribution in our country , and the localization will also is the development trend of the UHV equipment .

  30. 随着超/特高压电网的快速发展,输电线路的高度、传输容量及传输距离都在不断的提高。

    With the rapid development of Power Grid at Extra and Ultra High Voltage Level , the height of transmission lines , transmission Capacity and distance are constantly increasing .