
  • 网络temperature transmitter;RTD
  1. 基于HART协议高精度智能温度变送器的研制

    Research of High Accurate Intelligent Temperature Transmitter Based on HART Protocol

  2. HART协议智能温度变送器的研究开发具有现实的意义。

    The research and development of HART Protocol smart temperature transmitter has real connotation .

  3. 基于HART现场总线的高精度温度变送器的研制

    The Investigation of an High Accuracy Temperature Transducer Base on HART Protocol

  4. PIC单片机在智能温度变送器中的应用

    Application of PIC Singlechip in Intellectual Thermal Transmitter

  5. HART智能温度变送器的实现

    Implement of the HART Smart Temperature Transmitter

  6. 隔离式HART协议温度变送器的研制

    Development of Isolated HART Temperature Transmitter

  7. 本文对HART协议及其在ITT智能温度变送器中的应用做了较为详细的介绍。

    The HART protocol and its applications in intelligent temperature transmitters are introduced in more detail in this paper .

  8. 本文重点研究了WIA-PA技术,开发了符合WIA-PA通信协议的智能全输入无线温度变送器。

    Intelligent wireless temperature transmitter is developed to meet with WIA-PA communication protocol .

  9. XTR系列集成变送电路在一体化温度变送器中的应用

    XTR 's Application in Integrative Temperature Transmitter

  10. 2004年夏天,上海地区有4个火电厂因雷击造成DCS部分I/O模块和外围压力/温度变送器等损坏及部分温度参数突变。

    Lightning gave rise to some temperature parameters discontinuity and damages on some I / O module of DCS and on peripheral pressure / temperature transducers as well in four thermal power plants in Shanghai .

  11. HART协议作为温度变送器实现HART通信的重要依据,论文首先对HART协议规范作了全面的分析,介绍了HART数据链路层、应用层和物理层具体要求。

    HART Protocol is an important reasoning of HART telecommunication realized by temperature transmitter . At first , the thesis gave a comprehensive analysis of HART Protocol Standard , and introduced each request of the data-link layer , application layer and physics layer .

  12. 本文论述了将微处理技术和HART协议通信技术引入温度变送器中,实现温度变送器的信号补偿、自适应校正、自诊断、远程管理、远程校正、远程组态、远程维护、远程监控等功能。

    This thesis discussed something about applying the technology of microprocessor and HART communications Protocol to temperature transmitter , to realize temperature transmitter 's signal compensating , self-calibration , self-diagnose , remote management , remote calibration , remote configuration , remote maintenance , remote control .

  13. 是由差压、压力和温度变送器构成的CEB-301型三合一流量变送器。

    It has a differential pressure , a pressure and a temperature transducer , namely type CEB-301 three in one flow rate transducer .

  14. 新型铂热电阻温度变送器及其正反馈非线性校正

    The Pt Resistance Temperature Converter and Its Positive Feedback Nonlinear Correction

  15. 适用于计算机控制的一种新型铂电阻温度变送器电路

    A new platinum resistance temperature transducer circuit suitable to computer control

  16. 带压安装温度变送器确保管线连续输送

    Mounting temperature transducer under pressure for ensuring pipeline continuous transportation

  17. 本文论述了一种用于微机控制的新型温度变送器的电路的设计原理。

    The transmitter circuit design for temperature control by microcomputer is described .

  18. 大温变率流场中特种温度变送器的研制

    Development of Special Temperature Transmitter for the Rapid Temperature Changing-Rate Flow Field

  19. 介绍了压力变送器、温度变送器和测量仪表。

    Pressure transmitter , temperature transmitter and instrument are proposed .

  20. 分析了带压安装温度变送器的工艺过程。

    The processing of mounting temperature transducer under pressure is mainly described .

  21. 具有二阶非线性校正功能的铂电阻温度变送器

    With A Two-Order Nonlinear Correction of the RTD Temperature Transmitter

  22. 铂电阻温度变送器的软件校正方法

    Method for Calibrating Platinum Resistance Temperature Transmitter with Software

  23. 热电偶温度变送器线性电路的设计

    The Design of Linear Circuit for Thermocouple Temperature Transmitter

  24. 电动温度变送器测量结果不确定度评定

    Evaluation of Uncertainty of Temperature Electrical Transmitter in Measurement

  25. 智能型两线制温度变送器

    A Kind of Low Cost Two-wire Intelligent Temperature Transmitter

  26. 一体化温度变送器设计中的问题及其解决途径

    Problems and ways to Their Settlement about Design of an Unified Temperature Transmitter

  27. 高准确度温度变送器的补偿与校正方法

    Compensation and correction method for high accuracy temperature transmitter

  28. 温度变送器测试系统的研制

    The Research of the System for Testing Thermocouple Transmitter

  29. 数字式传感器在智能温度变送器设计中的应用

    The application of a digital sensor to the design of a temperature transmitter

  30. 带CAN总线的智能温度变送器的研制

    Research of a smart temperature transmitter with CAN bus