
  • 网络warm mix asphalt;warm-mix asphalt
  1. 温拌沥青技术在高架道路整治中的应用

    Application of Warm Mix Asphalt Technology in Viaduct Renovation Project

  2. 以上海市南北高架道路整治工程为背景,开展了温拌沥青技术的应用研究。

    With the background of Shanghai North and South Viaduct renovation project , the application research of warm mix asphalt technology has been developed in this paper .

  3. SAK温拌沥青混合料压实性能分析间断密级配沥青混合料配合比设计方法

    Analysis of effecting on densification characteristics of sak warm mix asphalt Design Method of GAP-graded HMA

  4. 通过贯入法,本文确定了四种不同机理温拌沥青混合料的施工温度,并通过旋转压实仪(SGC)以空隙率为指标验证了贯入法的科学性和适用性。

    Based on Penetration Test , the construction temperatures of the four Warm Mix Asphalts are determined . And then , the author uses the gyratory compactor ( SGC ) to verify the science and applicability of the Penetration Test with the indicator of Porosity .

  5. 温拌沥青混合料与热拌沥青混合料性能对比

    Performance Comparison between Warm Mix Asphalt and Hot Mix Asphalt

  6. 温拌沥青技术在上海道路工程中的应用和效果

    Application & Effect of Warm Mix Asphalt Technique in Shanghai Road Projects

  7. 成型温度对温拌沥青混合料水稳定性的影响

    Influence of Compaction Temperature on the Moisture Susceptibility of Warm Asphalt Mixture

  8. Sasobit~(?)温拌沥青混合料设计与使用性能

    Design and Performance of Sasobit ~ (?) Warm Mix Asphalt

  9. 温拌沥青混合料节能减排效果的测试与分析

    Test and Analysis of Energy Saving and Emission Reduction of Warm Mixed Asphalt

  10. 温拌沥青混合料在奥运工程中的应用

    Application of Warm Mix Asphalt Mixture in the Road Project for Olympic Games

  11. 基于表面活性技术的温拌沥青胶结料性能试验研究

    Test and Study on Performance of Warm Asphalt Binder Based on Surfactant Process

  12. 温拌沥青混合料技术及最新研究

    Warm mix asphalt technologies and latest researches

  13. 温拌沥青混合料的应用研究

    Study of Application of Warm-Mix Bitumen Mixture

  14. 温拌沥青混合料中沥青在施工阶段的老化程度温拌沥青混合料配合比设计及与热拌沥青混合料的性能对比研究

    Aging of Asphalt from Warm Mix Asphalt Mixture During Construction Contrastive Study of Performance between WMA and HMA

  15. 预拌泵送混凝土施工裂缝的分析和预防及处理温拌沥青混合料配合比设计及与热拌沥青混合料的性能对比研究

    Analysis and prevention treatment of the premixing pumping concrete construction crack Contrastive Study of Performance between WMA and HMA

  16. 研究对比了其对沥青的性能影响、温拌沥青混合料的温拌效果及温度变化规律,进行经济性分析,并铺筑试验路。

    This paper analyzed the influence of two agents to asphalt , the pavement performance and the temperature change law of WMA .

  17. 以青岛海底隧道工程为依托,本文进行了温拌沥青混合料在隧道内的应用研究。

    Application research of warm mix asphalt used in tunnel pavement is done relying on Qingdao undersea tunnel project in this paper .

  18. 温拌沥青混合料还具有降低工程成本,延长沥青路面使用寿命的优势。

    Warm mix asphalt also has reduced the project cost , with the advantages of extending the service life of asphalt pavement .

  19. 相比热拌沥青混合料,温拌沥青混合料具有高节能、低排放、轻污染等优点。

    Compared with hot mix asphalt mixture , warm mix asphalt mixture with high energy saving , low emissions , light pollution , etc.

  20. 还对温拌沥青混合料进行了高温、低温和水稳定试验,确定其路用性能。

    This experiment also includes the tests for road properties , such as high / low temperature performances and water stability of the asphalt mixture .

  21. 然而,对于温拌沥青混合料应用性能缺乏完善的评价内容:施工温度的确定大多根据经验或者传统评价方法;社会经济效益的评价大多停留在定性的层次。

    So that construction temperatures are mostly based on the experience and traditional evaluation methods . And the economic evaluation still remains at the qualitative level .

  22. 最后结合粘附模型及确定的各种原材料表面能参数进行了温拌沥青混合料体系内粘附功计算分析,从表面能理论出发探讨了温拌沥青混合料水稳定性。

    Finally , adhesion work of WMA were calculated by adhesion model and energy parameters of raw materials . WMA water stability were discussed by use surface energy theory .

  23. 沥青混合料采用温拌沥青混合料技术可显著降低拌和与碾压温度,并达到与热拌沥青混合料相同的路用性能。

    Asphalt mixture using warm mix asphalt mixture technology can significantly reduce the mixing and rolling temperature , and can achieve hot mix asphalt mixture road performance of the same .

  24. 温拌沥青混合料的拌和温度比热拌沥青混合料低30~40℃,但二者路用性能基本相同。

    Mixing temperature of Warm Mix Asphalt is lower by30 ~ 40 ℃ than that of Hot Mix Asphalt , while the properties of both mix asphalt are quite similar .

  25. 热拌沥青混合料存在着高能耗、污染大等问题,不符合全球节能环保发展趋势,因此温拌沥青混合料是路面材料发展方向。

    With high energy consumption , pollution and other issues , hot mix asphalt mixture does not comply with the development trend of global energy saving and environmental protection , so warm mix asphalt pavement material is the development direction .

  26. 温拌沥青混合料力学性能和路用性能不亚于传统的热拌沥青混合料,但生产施工温度可以降低30~50℃,具有明显的经济社会效益和环保作用。

    The mechanical and road performances of warm-mix bitumen mixture are not less that of traditional hot-mix bitumen mixture , but the temperature of production and construction can reduce to 30 ~ 50 ° C so as to have remarkable social and economic benefit and environmental protection function .

  27. 近年来温拌沥青得到了广泛的应用,而国内外研究和实践应用表明,温拌沥青混合料能够大大降低混合料的施工温度,从而降低耗能并减少危害。

    Recently , Warm Mix Asphalt has been used widely . Many studies and practices around the world showed that it can greatly reduce the temperature of the mixture construction and the energy consumption and harm . However , application performance evaluation of Warm Mix Asphalt is faultiness .

  28. 本文将稠油降粘技术引入石油沥青降粘,丰富了温拌沥青技术手段,为开发新的温拌改性技术提供了指导,以便于有机降粘型产品在温拌沥青技术中的应用。

    In this article thickened oil viscosity reduction technology was introduced into the petroleum , warm mix asphalt technical means has been enriched , and provided a guidance for the development of new warm mixed asphalt modification technology to apply organic viscosity damping products in warm mixed asphalt technology .

  29. 温拌橡胶沥青结合料及其胶浆性能研究

    Study on the Performance of Rubberized Warm Asphalt Binder and Its Mortar

  30. 温拌阻燃沥青混合料在隧道路面中的应用技术研究

    Technical Investigation on Application of Warm-mixed Flame Retardant Asphalt Mixture in Tunnel Pavement