
  • 网络well structure;wellbore structure;well profile;bore frame
  1. 对影响大庆外围探井钻井速度的地质因素及钻井工程技术因素(井身结构、钻井设备和钻井液)进行了分析,制定了合理的设计方案和井身优化结构。

    There are some geologic and engineering factors affecting drilling speed in deep wells in Daqing peripheral oilfields , such as wellbore structure , drilling devices and drilling fluid .

  2. 探讨了小眼井井身结构、钻具组合、钻头选型、钻井参数等问题。

    It discussed problems about wellbore structure , BHA , bit selection , drilling parameters and so on .

  3. RWD随钻扩眼是解决复杂深井阻卡、非常规井身结构应用和提高固井质量的有效手段。

    The RWD is an effective means to solve sticking in complex deep wells , apply the un-conventional well profile and improve cementing quality .

  4. 在钻井过程中采用了三靶点井身结构、正电胶聚合物钻井液、双弓扶正器和弹力式浮箍,应用了MWD钻杆输送水平井测井技术。

    Well configuration of three target points was selected , and MMH polymer drilling fluid was used during drilling . Double-bow casing centralizer and elastic float collar were used in completion of this well , and drill pipe conveying MWD horizontal well logging technology was applied .

  5. 深层海相气井井身结构优化及应用

    Optimization and application of casing program in deep marine gas well

  6. 坍塌压力与井身结构设计和井壁稳定技术关系初探

    Relation of caving pressure with casing program and hole stability technique

  7. 深井和超深井钻井井身结构设计方法

    A method for designing casing program in deep and superdeep wells

  8. 采用双梯度钻井优化深水井井身结构

    Optimization of casing program of deepwater well by dual-gradient drilling

  9. 四川天然气钻井井身结构的设计与实践

    Design and practice of hole program of gas well in Sichuan Basin

  10. 井身结构设计必封点综合确定方法研究

    Comprehensive determination method of setting position for casing program design

  11. 完善有利于压裂酸化的井身结构;

    PerfeCting the hole texture being favourable for fracture acidizing ;

  12. 考虑盐岩层蠕变的井身结构设计研究

    Study on casing program design considering the effect of Salt Bed Creep

  13. 高含硫气田井身结构可靠性及安全评价技术研究

    Reliability and Safety Assessment of Well Structure in the High-Sulphur Gas Field

  14. 这项打捞工艺技术可在井身结构复杂的油田推广使用。

    It can be popularized in oil wells with complicated bore frame .

  15. 西部地区深井井身结构设计技术探讨

    Discussions on Casing Program Design Technology in Western China

  16. 合理井身结构设计的新方法研究

    A new method of well structure design by salt rock creep pressure profile

  17. 鄂尔多斯盆地北部(简称鄂北)工区钻井技术已配套成龙,优选的井身结构经济效益明显;

    Streamlined drilling technology and selected well structure has brought obvious economic benefit .

  18. 川东地区大地层倾角深井井身结构探讨

    Discussion on casing programs for deep wells with high formation dip in East Sichuan

  19. 井身结构设计不合理。

    Structural design of well bore is unreasonable .

  20. 高产气井大直径的井身结构;

    The well structure with large diameter is applied for high productive gas wells ;

  21. 渤中13-1油田井身结构优化研究

    Optimization of Well Profile in BZ 13-1 Oilfield

  22. 宜宾潜伏构造嘉陵江组气藏滚探井井身结构完井方法与改造措施

    Wellbore structure , completion methods and stimulations of rolling exploratory well in Yibin Jialingjiang reservoir

  23. 四川地区深井井身结构发展方向的探讨

    A Discussion on the Development Direction of Deep Wells ' Casing Programs in Sichuan Province

  24. 井身结构优化技术是示踪剂跟踪检测技术应用情况,该井岩心收获率达100%。密闭率91.8%。

    The core recovery rate of this well is100 % and the sealing rate is91.8 % .

  25. 川北地区九龙山构造超高压深井的井身结构方案

    Well structure plan for ultra high pressure deep wells in Jiulongshan structure in Sichuan North Region

  26. 自动制图功能,可自动绘制井身结构图、地层柱状图等多种标准图。

    The auto drawing functions visualize the structure chart of geothermal wells , stratigraphic column and others automatically .

  27. 地层破裂压力是钻井液密度确定、井身结构和压裂设计施工的基础数据。

    Fracturing pressure in formations was the basic data for designing mud weight , well profile and hydraulic fracturing .

  28. 合理井身结构设计是钻井工程设计的重要组成部分。对于复杂地质条件下的深井、超深井,盐岩层的影响是国际性的难题。

    Salt bed creep has been a big challenge for casing program design for deep and extra deep wells .

  29. 喷砂射孔&加砂压裂是针对致密、高破裂压力地层或井身结构特殊井的工艺措施;

    Sandblasting perforation-sand fracturing technology is to aim at tight , high breakdown pressure gas zone with special bore frame .

  30. 川东北地区尚未形成成熟的钻井工程设计及应用技术,尤其是在井身结构设计方面影响因素较多,难度较大。

    Proven drilling engineering design and application technologies of gas fields in northeast of Sichuan province have not been formed .