
  1. 井盐文化是井盐业兴起、发展过程中逐步形成的区别于其他地域文化和行业文化一种文化形态,有着丰富的内涵与特定的品质。

    Different from the cultures in other fields and industrial culture , well salt culture , rose and developed with rich connotation and special characteristics .

  2. 城市文化与精神的积淀与彰显相辅相成,辨证统一,这是今天研究井盐文化,弘扬城市精神所应该充分认识的一个历史与现实。

    City culture and spirit are auxiliary to each other , which is import to research on well salt culture and to develop city spirit .

  3. 井盐节庆文化与自贡城市文化建设的探讨

    Festival Culture of Well Salt and the Construction of City Culture of Zigong

  4. 四川汉画像砖主要体现日常生活面貌、生产劳动场景及建筑艺术上,更能全面地体现汉代的庄园经济,凸显四川地区的地域特色,如四川特有的桑蚕、井盐、蜀锦等文化。

    The contents of portrait brick in Sichuan are daily life , scene of labor production , construction art and they can more comprehensively reflect the manor economy , such as Sichuan unique silkworm , well salt , Silk Brocade and other cultures .