
  • 网络woodcut;wood cut
  1. 阿姆斯特丹——在法国普罗旺斯柔和清晰的阳光下,文森特·梵高(VincentvanGogh)看到了日本木刻版画中的清澈天空。

    Van Gogh Never Visited Japan , but He Saw It Everywhere AMSTERDAM - In the soft , clear light of Provence , France , Vincent van Gogh saw the crisp skies of Japanese woodcut prints .

  2. 最古老的版画制作形式是木刻版画。

    The oldest form of printmaking is the woodcut .

  3. 原来是建筑师的产品设计师托马斯•格里姆(ThomasGriem)前段时间发布了一个新系列的地毯,起点来自于日本的木刻版画。

    Architect-turned-product designer Thomas Griem released a new collection of rugs earlier this month , which have taken Japanese woodcuts as their starting point .

  4. 浅析中国古代木刻版画的文化特征

    A Brief Look into the Cultural Features of Ancient Chinese Wood-Print

  5. 民间信仰对民间木刻版画的影响

    The Folk Belief 's Influence on the Folk Wood Block Print

  6. 第二部分:民间信仰对民间木刻版画的影响。

    Part two : The influence of the folk belief on the folk wood block print .

  7. 木刻版画《云南阿克老人》参加全国少数民族画展。

    Wood block printing Yunnan Ake Old Man participated in the National Minority Nationality Paintings Exhibition .

  8. 你可能已经猜到了,木刻版画是由木头制成的。

    BARBARA KLEIN : As you might have guessed , woodcut prints are made out of wood .

  9. 这个问题看似根源在文人阶层本身参与木刻版画的不彻底。

    The question may seem root in literati class itself in the woodcut printmaking is not complete .

  10. 17世纪至19世纪期间,木刻版画在日本也是一种受到广泛应用的艺术形式。

    Woodcuts were also a widely used artistic form in Japan from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century .

  11. 木刻版画印刷术早在第五世纪就被用于中东的布料设计中。

    Woodcut prints may have been used in the Middle East as early as the fifth century to make cloth designs .

  12. 成排的支桌上堆满了来自英国各地的书籍、地图以及古老的手绘平版画和木刻版画。

    Rows of trestle tables are stacked with books , maps and old hand-coloured lithographs and wood engravings from all over Britain .

  13. 从古代原始思维与习俗那里世代继承下来的观念与图示,经过重复与变异,形成为今天我们所看到的具有独特面貌的民间木刻版画形式。

    Handed down from ancient thought and customs , the ideas and images went through repetition and variation , finally take today 's unique forms .

  14. 民间艺术的保护与传承面临普遍困境,研究和讨论民间木刻版画的保护、传承与发展是当务之急。

    Folk arts and heritage protection in general is facing difficulties , study and discussion woodcuts of civil protection , heritage and development is urgently needed .

  15. 抗战时期的重庆木刻版画作为抗战时期重庆美术的重要组成部分,其显著的特征在中国现代美术史上谱写了重要的一页。

    During the period , Chongqing 's woodcut print , which was important component of arts , played important role in China 's modern art history .

  16. 首先在引言中对明代木刻版画发展的时代背景作了简单陈述,介绍了论文研究目的、方法、意义及创新点。

    In the introduction of the first of Ming woodcut printmaking background of times development brief statement , introduces the research purpose , method , significance and innovations .

  17. 黑白木刻版画作为一门历史传统悠久的艺术,一直体现着它的独特艺术魅力和强烈的视觉语言,具有令人瞩目的价值和地位。

    Black and white woodcut printmaking as an art of the traditional history , always show its unique artistic charm and strong visual language , has remarkable value and status .

  18. 二是具有木刻版画的力度特征,环境描写、人物刻画处处刀锋毕现,道劲有力,有一种力之美。

    Second , it possesses the force character of block print in woodcut that the depiction of environment and personage are powerful and profound everywhere and with a " force beauty " .

  19. 列举了版画不同发展时期重要版画艺术家的作品并对其艺术语言进行了分析,从中阐释套色木刻版画的技法、语言及其艺术魅力。

    Lists the important period of development in different print print artists and their artistic language is analyzed , from woodblock prints in the interpretation of chromatic techniques , language and artistic charm .

  20. 新时期的版画家们开始注重个性的表现,借助西方的艺术理念并丰富中国黑白木刻版画的表现语言和形式。

    New era printmaker have begun to focus on the performance of personality , with the help of Western art philosophy and enrich the language and format of the performance of the black-and-white woodcut .

  21. 据科技资讯网报道,这款游戏的设计灵感来源于荷兰平面艺术大师埃舍尔的艺术作品、日本木刻版画以及世界各地的寺庙建筑。

    It builds on concepts from the art of Dutch graphic artist MC Escher , Japanese woodblock prints and temple architecture from around the world , according to cnet.com , a technology news website .

  22. 学院派版画开始兴起以及各类抒情版画的风靡让中国黑白木刻版画无论是在风格还是在题材和技术上都呈现出丰富多彩且十分繁荣的景象。

    School in printmaking began to rise , and all kinds of lyrical prints of rage so black-and-white woodcut either in style or in the themes and technically emerged as a colorful and very prosperous scene .

  23. 木刻版画有着自己独特的艺术魅力,木版画艺术语言所呈现出的刀味和木痕有着刀与版相触的直接美感。

    The art of wood engraving has a unique charm , woodcut art of language presented by the " knife style " and " wood mark " has a blade version of the direct touching beauty .

  24. 黑白木刻版画动画的出现,既可以丰富动画的艺术形式,又能够借助新媒体技术手段将传统的黑白木刻版画艺术发扬光大。

    The emergence of black-and-white woodcut printmaking animation , can not only enrich the animation art form , and can through new media technology , to carry forward the traditional black and white woodcut printmaking art .

  25. 将黑白木刻版画与动画相结合是动画研究与实践中的一个新课题,它依靠黑白木刻版画这一优秀的艺术形式来进行创作,利用其优秀形式和艺术特色,使动画画面效果显得与众不同。

    Combining black-and-white woodcut printmaking and animation is a new topic of animation research and practice , it relies on black and white woodcut printmaking create with the excellent art form , using its good form and artistic characteristics , make the animation picture appears different .

  26. 理学思想在明代的发展对于明代木刻版画的影响不仅来自版画自身的内容和应用范围,在这里特别要提到的是晚明文人阶层参与木刻版画创作问题。

    In the Ming dynasty Confucianism for the development of the influence of the Ming dynasty woodcut printmaking comes not from the print their own content and the scope of application , the special mention here is the late Ming dynasty scholar class participation woodcut printmaking creation .