
  • 网络support;Wooden Support
  1. 请使用木支架保护部件。

    Protect the component using a wooden support .

  2. .我从来没睡过充气垫,没有任何木支架。

    Sheldon : I 've never slept on an air mattress before . No lumbar support whatsoever

  3. 介绍了用钢丝绳锚杆代替木支架支护煤巷的理论根据,施工工艺及二者技术经济效益的分析对比;

    The paper states the theory base that rope bolts take place of wood supports incoal roadway , construction process and comparision of their technique and economic efficiency .

  4. 我国常用的传统支护有木、各类金属支架、料石或混凝土砌碹等。

    Some traditional supports in our country have been commonly used , such as wooden supports , all sorts of metal bracket supports and stone or concrete lining supports .

  5. 尤其在矿业生产活动中,传统的这些(砌碹、木垛和钢材支架等)被动支护的方法不但成本昂贵,而且支护效果也不尽人意,经常发生一些由于支护不利而导致的安全事故。

    Especially in mining Engineering , the traditional passive methods like ( brickwork , pigsty and steel stents and so on ) not only expensive but also the results is not good , some accidents because of not effective support happen usually .