
  • 网络Woodgraining;figure in wood
  1. 如果经过琢磨,可呈现出非常美丽诱人的玻璃光泽,同时可带有图案丰富的木材花纹。

    After polishing , it can show a very beautiful attractive gloss of glass , and various kinds of figure .

  2. 最后在成品胶合板上印刷柚木、山毛榉、红木、黑胡桃四种木材花纹,增加产品的附加值,并对直接印刷的生产成本和利润进行分析。

    Finally , directly print Teak , Beech , Rosewood or Black Walnut grain on the surface of the plywood to add the value of the product , and analyse the production cost and profit .