
  1. 手工排字:把金属活字逐字逐行的排放在手盘上的情况。

    Hand setting : Making up lines of metal type by hand , usually in a composing stick .

  2. 注意:感应距离不能调节太长,以免洗手盘对感应信号有反射而使控制器有误动作。

    Attention : The detection zone can not be adjusted too long , in case that the basin gets a wrong induction and make the controller acts incorrectly .

  3. 手洗碗盘用洗涤剂-性能比较试验导则

    Detergents for hand dishwashing-guide for comparative testing of performance

  4. 多布林想要达成以下三点:汽车在遭遇财产损害和人身伤害时要选择前者;汽车不受驾驶人年龄、种族的影响;当驾驶人的手离开方向盘时——比如需要检查邮件——此时若发生车祸,制造商将对此负责。

    Dobrindt wants three things : that a car always chooses property damage over personal injury ; that it never distinguishes between humans based on age or race ; and that if a human removes his or her hands from the driving wheel — to check email , say — the car 's maker is responsible if there is a crash .

  5. 以跟踪司机是否在任何时候都有两只手在方向盘上。

    to track whether or not the driver has two hands on the wheel at all times .

  6. 让耶稣基督坐在你人生的驾驶座上,把你的手从方向盘上移开。

    Put Jesus Christ in the driver 's seat of your life and take your hands off the steering wheel .

  7. 机械结构部分主要包括:横向轴,纵向轴,移栽机械手,穴盘输送系统等部分。

    Mechanical structure major included : the horizontal axis , the vertical axis , the manipulator and the plug conveying system .

  8. 她往后靠下,他把打火机甩向自己的烟,熟练地做成挡风圈,手从方向盘抽下来不到一秒钟。

    She leaned back and he swung the lighter toward his own cigarette , expertly forming his wind cup , taking his hands off the steering wheel for no more than a second .

  9. 依据试验目的,选择液压压力、气压压力、电机电流、立式机械手和刀盘振动为测试内容,并完成了相应测试硬件的选型和安装。

    According to the test purpose , selected the hydraulic pressure , air pressure , motor current , vertical robot and the cutter vibration as test content and completed the selection and installation of the appropriate hardware .

  10. 当驾驶员转移目光一段时间,好比目光在手机上,或者手不在方向盘,Volvo的“oncall”援助中心就会提醒并核查。

    If a driver looks away for a period of time , such as at a smartphone , or fails to keep their hands on the steering wheel , a representative from Volvo 's on-call assistance centers will call them to check in .

  11. 我记得爸爸的手死死抓住方向盘,一会儿抓紧,一会儿放松。

    I remember how Baba 's hands clenched around the steering wheel .

  12. 麻布手绣镶编结盘布

    Linen hand embroidered doily with hand knitted lace

  13. 乔布斯离开后,苹果将被“一双毫无生气的手牢牢握住方向盘”,最早的迹象将出现在苹果的广告中。

    The first clues that " dull hands have grabbed the wheel " will show in Apple 's advertising .

  14. 但一旦他们把另一只手放回方向盘上,灯光就会变回绿色,声音也会停止。

    but as soon as they place the other hand back on the wheel , the light turns back to green and the sound stops .

  15. 时下导致车祸的最大原因并非是酒后驾驶,而是驾驶员注意力分散,也就是说驾驶员的脑子或眼睛并没有紧盯着路况,或者手离开了方向盘。

    More than drunk driving , the biggest single cause of car accidents today is driver distraction : taking your mind or eyes off the road , or your hands off the wheel .

  16. 一旦你意识到自己走到了路的尽头,误入水中,马上换了一个防冲击的安全姿势,即将两只手放在方向盘十点和两点的位置上。

    As soon as you 're aware that you 're going off the road and into a body of water , adopt a brace position . This is done by placing both hands on the steering wheel in the ten and two positions .

  17. 研究了肥床旱育手栽、半水育秧手栽及塑盘旱育抛栽水稻籽粒灌浆及旗叶衰老特征。

    The characters of grain filling and flag leaf senescence of rice raised and transplanted by different ways viz .

  18. 这个设备需要司机身手敏捷——一只手操纵它,另一只手控制方向盘——但它很快成为美国汽车的标准装备。

    The device required a certain amount of dexterity - drivers had to operate it with one hand while shifting and steering with the other - but it quickly became standard equipment on American motorcars .