
  • 网络Barrel Organ;hurdy-gurdy
  1. 一架手摇风琴正在呼哧呼哧地奏着一首古老的曲子。

    A barrel-organ was wheezing out an old tune .

  2. 我们以前曾多次在一起跳来跳去,对吧?当时街上还响起手摇风琴吧?

    We used to jump about together many a time , did not we ? when the hand-organ was in the street ?

  3. 如果他的命运好的话,那么他可能在早年就装备好一个备用的手摇风琴;

    He might have been fitted up with a change of barrels , perhaps , in early life , if his destiny had been favourable ;

  4. 文学士菲德先生坐在另一张小书桌的后面;他正在教维吉尔的诗,还没有教完,他这个人为的手摇风琴这时正慢条斯理地向四位年轻的先生演奏着那个曲子。

    Mr Feeder , B.A. , who sat at another little desk , had his Virgil stop on , and was slowly grinding that tune to four young gentlemen .

  5. 再数下去,还有那几个鸟笼子、铁裙箍、钢滑冰鞋、安女王时代的煤斗子、弹子戏球台、手摇风琴&全都丢失了,还有一些珠宝,也遗失了。

    Then there were the bird cages , the iron hoops , the steel skates , the Queen Anne coal-scuttle , the bagatelle board , the hand organ & all gone , and jewels , too .

  6. 但是他的命运不好,他只有他本人这个手摇风琴,他的职业就是用这个单调的圆筒来迷糊博士手下的这些年轻的先生们的年轻的思想。

    but it had not been ; and he had only one , with which , in a monotonous round , it was his occupation to bewilder the young ideas of Doctor Blimber 's young gentlemen .

  7. 至于布林格博士的助手、文学士菲德先生,他是一个人为的手摇风琴;他根据一份小小的曲调目录,一遍又一遍、毫无变化地演奏着。

    As to Mr Feeder , B.A. , Doctor Blimber 's assistant , he was a kind of human barrel-organ , with a little list of tunes at which he was continually working , over and over again , without any variation .