
  1. 到海边度假一周成了他们再也消费不起的一种奢侈。

    A week by the sea is a luxury they can no longer afford

  2. 我们通常去海边度假

    We generally go to the sea for our holidays .

  3. 在海边度假之后,她的皮肤晒得黑黑的。

    She had gotten a good tan after the holiday at the sea .

  4. 事实上,运动追踪者的一项研究显示,Facebook上这些照片英成为了英国人首选的减肥原因,海边度假或是无法将自己的身体挤进那件最中意的裙子则是减肥的最主要动力。

    In fact , a study by Fitbit identified unflattering Facebook photos as the new number one weight loss trigger for Brits , overtaking preparing for the beach and not being able to squeeze into a favourite dress as the leading motivation for getting in shape .

  5. 孩子们特别想去海边度假。

    The children plumped for a holiday by the sea .

  6. 我是否应该辞职,和别人一样去海边度假呢?

    Should I quit and sit on the beach like everyone else ?

  7. 我打算下个星期去海边度假。

    I am going to the seaside for my vacation next week .

  8. 我决定在海边度假了。

    I have made a decision to spend the holiday at the beach .

  9. 今年暑假我们去海边度假了。

    We spend our holidays by the sea .

  10. 爸爸、妈妈、哥哥和妹妹周末去海边度假。

    Papa , Mama , Brother and Sister go to the shore for weekend .

  11. 他们从海边度假一周回来,容光焕发。

    They came back from their week by the sea , glowing with health .

  12. 她听到海鸥的叫声就回忆起童年时在海边度假的情景。

    The sound of seagulls carried her back to childhood holidays by the sea .

  13. 对于附近城市的居民来说,这个海边度假酒店是很好的度假地。

    EXAMPLE : The seaside resort is a popular getaway for people from nearby cities .

  14. 夏天,这个受欢迎的海边度假胜地的旅馆常常客满。

    EXAMPLE : Hotels are often booked solid in the summer at the popular seaside resort .

  15. 英国人在夏季全家到海边度假已蔚然成风。

    It has become the custom for English families to go to the seaside in summer .

  16. 后来他把卡里的图片下载下来,发现是尼尔夫妇在海边度假时拍摄的照片。

    Later , he downloaded the images to discover photos of the Knills enjoying their holiday .

  17. 大多数男人热衷于一些单调乏味的活动:与家人一起过周末,在海边度假。

    Most men devote themselves to rather humdrum things : family weekends , holidays at the seaside .

  18. 一些人可能喜欢在海边度假,另一些人可能喜欢爬山。

    One person may like to spend his holiday at the seashore , while another may prefer the mountains .

  19. 比如:用盐瓶或比较特别的物品,像家庭海边度假时发现的贝壳。

    It could be the salt shaker or something more special like a shell someone found on a family holiday .

  20. 我们笑谈着吉姆在海边度假时寄来的明信片。法官至今还戴18世纪的假发套而没有人嘲笑。

    We laughed over Jim 's postcard from his seaside holiday . Eighteenth-century wigs are still worn by the judiciary and nobody smirks .

  21. 有了小汽车,就可以在周末到乡村或海边度假充分享受空闲时间。

    With a car he can enjoy his leisure to the full by making trips to the country or seaside on the weekends .

  22. 而夏季正是人们外出野餐、旅行、去游泳池和海边度假的好时机。

    Summer 's arrival means it 's time for picnics , trips to the pool and beach & and a spike in the number of sunburns .

  23. 报告说,气候变化可能影响到管道、电网和旅游度假区的可靠性,特别是滑雪和海边度假地的可靠性。

    The report said climate change may affect the reliability of pipelines and electricity grids , as well as tourism resorts , especially ski and beach resorts .

  24. 即便是会议举办地佛罗里达州的一派奢华海边度假胜地景象,也无法掩盖核能产业此时的失落。

    Not even the posh seaside resort in Florida where the conference was held could mask what a lousy time it was to be in the nuclear business .

  25. 而在新闻行业,我只在一个死气沉沉的英国海边度假地念过4个月丢人的课程,每天早上醒来,都觉得自己比前一天更蠢。

    In journalism , all I got was a degrading four-month course in a dead English seaside resort where I woke up each morning feeling more stupid than the day before .

  26. 几周前,在某个周末的汉普顿之旅时,索罗斯向40岁的博尔顿求婚。纽约的富豪们经常到海边度假胜地长岛汉普顿游玩。

    Soros proposed to Bolton , 40 , a few weeks ago during a weekend visit to the Hamptons , a beachside colony on Long Island frequented by New York 's wealthy .

  27. 2005年1月13日,人们在泰国的海边度假胜地发现了加拿大夫妇洁姬和约翰的尸体。

    On 13th January 2005 , the bodies of John and Jackie Knill , a Canadian couple , were found on a beach resort in Thailand , following the tragic tsunami that struck on 26th December , 2004 .

  28. 是去海边的度假胜地还是花两晚上享受SPA呢?

    Is it time to visit a seaside resort or a soothing spa for two nights of rest ?

  29. 人们常常到海边去度假。

    People often go sightseeing at the shore .

  30. 两位领导人是在世界经济论坛在红海边的度假圣地沙姆沙伊赫会面的。他们在公开场合都没有谈论同部落首领举行会谈的事情。

    Neither leader publicly addressed those talks with tribal chiefs while speaking to reporters ahead of the world economic forum in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh .