
  • 网络poseidon
  1. 这座古庙是为海神波塞冬(Poseidon)而建,被爱琴海环绕,有少见的灵性力量。

    The ancient temple dedicated to Poseidon , the God of the sea , is surrounded by the Aegean Sea and has a rare spiritual energy .

  2. 他是海神波塞冬漂亮的儿子。

    He was the beautiful son of Poseidon .

  3. 海神波塞冬和雅典娜女神都想得到这份殊荣。

    Poseidon and Athena each wanted the honor .

  4. 正义女神是宙斯的女儿,海神波塞冬是宙斯的弟弟。

    The Goddess of Justice was the daughter of Zeus , while Poseidon was the younger brother of Zeus .

  5. 古希腊海神波塞冬和古罗马海神尼普顿常常被描述成半人半鱼的形象。荷马在讲述奥德修斯的海上征程时提到了塞壬,只可惜他并没有对其外形作具体描述。

    Poseidon and Neptune were often depicted as half-man and half-fish , and Homer mentions the Sirens during the voyage of Odysseu although he fails to give a physical description .

  6. 拉内乌斯,作为海神波塞冬的仆从,负责支撑着火山和亚特兰提斯的机械装置的维护工作,在斯巴达战鬼中唆使自动机器作为小头目进行战斗。

    Lanaeus , servant to Poseidon , and charged with maintaining the machinery that supports the volcano and Atlantis , is featured as the instigator of theautomaton mini-boss fight in Ghost of Sparta .

  7. 不久,他被告知希腊神话中的神只和奇妙生物确实存在,还知道了自己原来是海神波塞冬的儿子,而且众神都怀疑他偷走了主神宙斯的法宝闪电杖。

    Soon Percy is enlightened to the fact that not only do gods and mythical creatures exist , but also that he is the son of Poseidon , and he has been accused of stealing Zeus'lightening bolt .

  8. 这个人工洞穴酷似007系列电影场景:洞穴里有一个游泳池,池底有手持三叉戟的海神波塞冬的马赛克图像。

    The cave , which could have come straight out of a James Bond film , features a swimming pool , its floor decorated with a mosaic of Poseidon , the god of the sea , holding a trident .