
  1. 然而,在众多盐文化的研究成果中,关于湖盐、井盐、池盐的研究较为多见,而对海盐的研究相对较少,而对于海水晒盐工艺的研究更是如凤毛麟角。

    Among the studies of Salt Culture , there are a lot about lake salt , well salt and pond salt , but fewer about sea salt comparatively .

  2. 氯化钾在电解质溶液中的结晶热力学和动力学研究在地球矿物学领域、卤水/海水晒盐、盐湖氯化钾资源的开发利用等方面有着重要的意义。

    The crystallization thermodynamics and kinetics of potassium chloride in the electrolyte solutions have played an important role in many fields , such as mineralogy of Earth , exploiting and utilizing KCl resource in salt lake and other aspects .

  3. 另外,本文还针对广西海水晒盐工艺相对落后的情况,根据当地的生产和生活条件,分析其发展和传承的道路,提出了一些建议,以供参考。

    Moreover , in allusion to the backwardness of Guangxi salt industry , this paper breaks a new path to the development and heritage of salt obtaining , and puts forward some suggestions for reference according to local productive and living conditions .

  4. 分析塘沽盐场晒盐池中浓海水和自然海水同时晒盐的结果:浓海水的盐晶体比较紧密,形状比较规则,不易松散,晶体颜色较纯白。

    Both desalinated seawater and the natural sea water solar salt in the Tanggu saltern showed that : In the desalinated seawater , Salty crystal was close , the shape was regular , crystal color was pure white .