
  1. 古代河东盐池防洪体系

    The Flood-preventing System of Salt Lake of Hedong in Ancient

  2. 抗日战争时期日本对河东盐池的掠夺

    The Plundering of Japan toward Salt Ponds of Hedong in the Anti - Japanese War

  3. 位于山西省境内的河东盐池在中国古代是重要的食盐产区,河东盐商在河东盐的运销过程中扮演着非常重要的角色。

    Located the Shanxi province , Hedong salt lake is an important area for the salt production in ancient times of China .

  4. 本文共分五章:第一章,简要介绍了唐代河东盐池的基本状况以及唐代以前的制盐技术。

    This thesis consists five parts . The first chapter gives a brief introduction of the natural conditions of Hedong Salt-Lake and the history of the salt-producing technology before Tang Dynasty .