
  1. 而管子是河北吹歌的主奏乐器之一。

    While the pipe is hebei blow one song presided instruments .

  2. 河北吹歌分冀南、冀中和冀东三大类别,各有其不同的风格与特色。

    Sub-blowing song Hebei Ji-nan , Jizhong and Jidong three categories , each with their different styles and characteristics .

  3. 河北吹歌是流传于河北省的著名乐种,从形成到发展成熟已有四百多年的历史。

    Hebei blow song is spread in hebei province , the famous music from formation to development mature 400 years of history .

  4. 从他创作的竹笛独奏曲中,我们可以发现河北吹歌对王铁锤竹笛艺术的影响。

    From his creations of bamboo flute solo , we can explore the impact of Hebei Blowing Songs on his bamboo flute art .

  5. 掌握管子、唢呐和笛子的演奏技巧,学会了大量的河北吹歌器乐曲。

    He mastered the tube , suona and bamboo flute playing skills , and learned a large amount of instrumental music of Hebei Blowing Songs .

  6. 河北吹歌兴起于19世纪20年代,是我国优秀的民间音乐艺术。河北吹歌的形成与发展与河北悠久的历史文化存在千丝万缕的联系。

    Hebei Blowing Songs , emerged in 1920s , is a kind of traditional Chinese folk music . Its formation and development are inextricably linked with the history and culture of Hebei Province .