
wěi shēnɡ
  • end;close;epilogue;coda
尾声 [wěi shēng]
  • (1) [coda]∶形式上与乐曲或乐章(如赋格曲或回旋曲)的主结构不同的最后或结束乐段

  • (2) [epilogue;come to an end;end]∶泛指结束阶段

  • 大会已接近尾声

  1. 会谈已接近尾声。

    The talks are drawing to an end .

  2. 仪式接近尾声时,我突然听到主教练宣布:"凯西获得最高荣誉!"

    As the ceremony was nearing the end , I suddenly heard the head coach announcing , " The highest honor goes to Cathy ! "

  3. 政治活动正在临近尾声。

    The political endgame is getting closer .

  4. 随着学期接近尾声,假期阅读清单也逐渐成形,父母也许会抓住机会加入进来,制作自己的夏日阅读清单并计划一次前往图书馆或书店的家庭之旅。

    As the end of school approaches , and school vacation reading lists loom ahead , parents might take this chance to step in and make their own summer reading list and plan a family trip to the library or bookstore .

  5. 夏日临近尾声的时候,其他学校也开学了,他们得抓紧时间。

    Theyhad to hurryas summer had ended and other schools had already opened .

  6. 特纳在年纪很大的时候才创作了这幅《被拖去解体的战舰无畏号》,因此这幅画或许也展示了他对自己生命进入尾声的感受。

    Turner painted The Fighting Temeraire when he was quite old , so perhaps he wanted to show the sun setting on his own life , too .

  7. 当演出接近尾声时,观众热烈鼓掌

    The audience warmly applauded when the performance came to the end .

  8. 不到10分钟,案子就已接近尾声,因为被告明显是有罪的。

    The trial was over in about 10 minutes and it was very clear that the defendant was guilty .

  9. 圣诞老人常常会在游行尾声出现,而圣诞老人最会让人感染节日的精神了。

    Oftentimes , Santa would appear at the end of the parade , and Santa is really good at getting people in the holiday spirit .

  10. “恐慌星期六”或“超级星期六”是圣诞节前最后一个周六,也是美国零售商大笔捞金的日子。这一天标志着,零售商和许多消费者心目中始于黑色星期五的购物季接近尾声。

    Panic Saturday or Super Saturday is the last Saturday before Christmas , a major day of revenue1 for American retailers2 , marking the end of the shopping season they and many customers believe begins on Black Friday .

  11. 在视频的尾声,克莱尔靠近镜头甜甜的悄声说:“我爱你”,然后挥着手,对镜头飞吻,说“拜拜!”

    At the end of the video , Claire leans in close to the camera and whispers sweetly : ' I love you , ' before waving and blowing a kiss with the words : ' Bye bye ! '

  12. 旧金山——对苹果(Apple)来说,难的那部分已经接近尾声——也就是做出一款智能手表。

    SAN FRANCISCO - For Apple , the hard part - making a smartwatch - is nearly over .

  13. 当12月接近尾声wowgold,想到新的一年时,你有一大堆想用来改善生活的点子。

    As December comes to an end , you think about the new year and all the ways you want to improve your life .

  14. 目前,始自去年9月份的国内IPO暂缓发行似乎已接近尾声。

    Now the end of the latest moratorium on domestic IPOs , which began last September , appears to be in sight .

  15. 驻亚洲的银行业人士表示,美国国际集团对美国人寿保险公司(AmericanLifeInsuranceCo)的出售也接近尾声&该业务估值逾100亿美元,在日本拥有主要业务。

    Asia-based bankers said AIG was also closing on the disposal of American Life Insurance Co ( Alico ) – a business with an estimated value of more than $ 10bn that has large operations in Japan .

  16. 函数在函数开始过程中(称为函数序言(functionprologue))创建堆栈帧,并在函数结束时(称为函数尾声(functionepilogue))销毁它。

    Functions create the stack frame during the beginning of the function ( called the function prologue ) and tear it down at the end of a function ( called the function epilogue ) .

  17. 它开始走向尾声:《权利的游戏》的第八暨最终季4月14日在HBO首播。

    It 's the beginning of the end that 's coming : Game of Thrones ' eighth and final season kicks off April 14 on HBO .

  18. 伯南克还反驳了其前任艾伦格林斯潘(alangreenspan)的言论,即美国经济扩张周期似乎正接近尾声,经济可能衰退。

    Mr Bernanke also brushed aside comments by his predecessor Alan Greenspan that the expansion looked to be ageing , raising the possibility of a recession .

  19. 这“支持我们的观点,即人民币单向升值的时期已接近尾声,”瑞穗证券(mizuhosecurities)经济学家沈建光表示。

    This " supports our view that the days of one-way appreciation of the renminbi are close to being over , " said Shen Jianguang , economist with Mizuho Securities .

  20. 正如前面介绍的一样,这段代码非常简单,并不需要序言和尾声代码,使用简化ABI就完全可以。

    As mentioned , this code is simple enough that it doesn 't need prologue and epilogue code and is perfectly fine using the simplified ABI .

  21. 该段代码的尾声(epilogue)将在分析factorial代码时再作讨论,但总的来说,它的作用是结束堆栈框架并返回到先前的函数。

    The epilogue will be discussed in the analysis of the factorial code , but it basically just takes down the stack frame and returns to the previous function .

  22. 接近尾声的阀瓣两个最终幻想VII,玩家选择战斗,雷纳和粗鲁叶连娜,或者拒绝战斗。

    Near the end of Disc Two of Final Fantasy VII , the player has the option to fight Elena , Reno , and Rude , or refuse the battle .

  23. 收益电话会议接近尾声时,有一位投资者问扎克伯格,斥巨资帮助那些不能给Facebook带来足够收入的客户接入互联网,以至于收不回本,这样做是否合理?

    Toward the end of the earnings call an investor asked Zuckerberg if it made sense to spending so much money to provide Internet connections to customers who wouldn 't generate sufficient revenue for Facebook to recoup the investment .

  24. 家鸽的单次自鸣声di·Gu&,包括前奏、高潮声和尾声,其主频率和相对幅值都呈明显的逐步递增、平稳和逐步下降过程。

    The principal frequency ( PF ) and relative amplitude ( RA ) of the single coo di · Gu & , including prelude , loud song and coda , were distinctly increased , calm and decreased gradually .

  25. 如果在你的环境中,回归测试或集成确实很难实际操作,那么可以在sprint接近尾声时进行。这样就可以针对一批故事进行测试和集成的工作。

    If regression testing or integration is truly a pain in your environment you may decide to save it to the end of the sprint , so you can batch up a few stories and test / integrate them together .

  26. 正如分析师王庆在另一份报告中所写的,近期通胀的不断上升表明,不太热也不太冷的金发姑娘经济局面(Goldilocks)正接近尾声。

    As analyst Qing Wang wrote in a separate report , the recent flaring in inflation suggests the Goldilocks scenario [ not too hot , not too cold ] is close to running its course .

  27. 埃及总统胡斯尼穆巴拉克(hosnimubarak)已任命该国军情首脑奥马尔苏雷曼(omarsuleiman)为副总统,分析人士表示,此举暗示着穆巴拉克的30年统治接近尾声,此前五天,埃及各地爆发了空前的街头抗议。

    Hosni Mubarak has appointed the head of military intelligence , Omar Suleiman , as vice-president , in a move analysts said signalled the beginning of the end of his 30-year reign , following five days of unprecedented street protests across Egypt .

  28. 战役接连不断,尾声遥遥无期。

    One battle followed another , and the end never came .

  29. 换季大甩卖提醒他这一季已经接近尾声了。

    End-of-season sales remind him that the season is almost over .

  30. 来访以这种方式向尾声靠拢。

    In this manner , the visit drew to a close .