
wěi xiān
  • pigtail
  1. 介绍了SLD组件的封装(SLD的温度控制、SLD管芯与尾纤的耦合)。

    Temperature control of SLD , alignment of the chip to pigtail and module packaging were described respectively .

  2. 将该侧面耦合技术用于侧面抽运的掺Yb双包层光纤激光器,在单个尾纤输出的半导体激光器侧面抽运下得到光纤激光器的最大连续激光输出功率282mW,斜率效率为55.5%。

    Using the side-coupled to pump a CW side-pumped Yb-doped double-clad fiber laser , maximum output power of 282 mW and slope efficiency of 55.5 % are obtained by one pigtail laser diode pumping source .

  3. 带单模尾纤的GRIN透镜型Fabry&Perot腔可调谐光滤波器

    Fabry-Perot Type Tunable Optical Filter with SM Fiber Pigtailed GRIN Lens

  4. 对带尾纤半导体激光器(LD)抽运的掺Yb3+光纤环形腔与直腔激光器进行了比较研究。

    In this paper , the Yb 3 + - doped ring cavity fiber laser is compared with the F-P cavity fiber laser which were both pumped by LD with fiber pigtail .

  5. 再次,在带尾纤输出的高功率LD泵浦Nd:YAG激光腔内插入一只空液晶盒,观察到了激光器以单纵模运转;

    Thirdly , when an empty liquid crystal cell is inserted in the cavity of the Nd : YAG laser pumped by high power LD , the laser can operates in single axial mode .

  6. 用带尾纤输出的激光二极管作为抽运源,采用端面抽运10%Yb3+∶Y2O3多晶透明陶瓷的方式获得了连续激光输出。

    CW laser output is obtained using laser diode end pumped polycrystalline transparent 10 % Yb 3 + ∶ Y 2O 3 ceramic .

  7. 介绍一种用于大孔同轴度测量的激光准直系统,该系统主要由单模尾纤半导体激光二极管、面阵CCD探测器、图像卡、以及计算机组成;

    A fiber pigtailed semiconductor laser collimating system designed for use in coaxiality measurement of large scale holes is introduced . This system is mainly composed of a pigtailed laser diode , a CCD detector , an image card and a computer .

  8. 该激光器由带单模尾纤输出的半导体激光器、光纤偏振控制器、PLZT电光陶瓷偏转器和输出凹面镜等组成。

    The laser consists of a semiconductor laser with single mode fiber coupled output , polarization controller , PLZT electro-optic ceramic deflector , and output concave mirror .

  9. 该方案采用F-P腔干涉机理,利用常见的法兰盘光纤连接器,以热双金属片抛光表面和插入连接器的尾纤端面构成F-P腔。

    The scheme was based upon F-P interference , the F-P cavity was composed with one polished surface of bimetal and one polished end face of optical fiber inserted in a common flange optical fiber connector .

  10. 常用的耦合方法之一是用精确腐蚀的SiV型槽作为集成光学器件尾纤耦合时光纤的固定夹具,V型槽的质量直接关系到耦合的成败。

    The most common coupling method is to use precision etched Si V groove as the fixture of tail fiber of integrated optical devices . The quality of V groove is essential to the success of the coupling of tail fiber .

  11. C-Lens准直器改变光斑大小依赖于它球面曲率半径、折射率以及尾纤与透镜的距离。

    C-Lens collimator magnifies beam waist that refers to its radius of sphere , its refractive index and the distance between pigtail and C-Lens .

  12. 测得带尾纤的激光放大器净增益为14dB~18dB。

    The net gain of semiconductor laser amplifier with optical fiber is 14 dB ~ 18 dB .

  13. 在尾纤输出泵浦功率为24.56W时,最大获得4.68W的532nm绿光输出,光&光转换效率为19.06%。

    Output power of 4.68W is obtained with a 24.56W pumping power . Nd : YVO4 crystal . Optical-to-optical efficiency is 19.06 % .

  14. 实验测得,偏振器的消光比和带尾纤插入损耗分别为42dB和4.3dB。

    The measured polarization-extinction ratio and fibre-coupled insert loss of the polarizers are 42 dB and 4 . 3 dB , respectively .

  15. 该方法的测量装置采用带尾纤的半导体激光作为光源,由自聚焦透镜准直,出射光束直径为0.5mm,使探测头为小光斑。

    A laser diode with pigtail is used as the light source . The output beam is collimated by a GRIN and the diameter of collimated beam is 0.5 mm .

  16. 提出了一种新型的电光混合光纤光学双稳装置,它由波长为1.55μm带尾纤的DFB半导体激光器、全光纤可调谐FabryPerot滤波器和电光反馈电路构成。

    A new type hybrid optical bistable device ( OBD ) was proposed . This OBD consists of a center wavelength 1.55 μ m DFB laser with pigtail , fiber Fabry-Perot filter controlled by piezoelectric translator ( PZT ), and a certain optoelectronic feedback circuit .

  17. 文章通过将一根弱反馈的光纤光栅连接在无致冷的980nm泵浦激光器尾纤上,使激光器工作在相干失效状态下,大大改善了无致冷激光器的波长和功率的稳定性。

    A Fiber Bragg Grating ( FBG ) with weak feedback is utilized to keep an uncooled 980 nm pump laser operating in a coherence-collapse state , greatly improving the stability of its wavelength and output power .

  18. 低损耗单模尾纤2×2光开关

    A Low Loss 2 × 2 Optical Switch with Single Mode Pigtail Fibers

  19. 带尾纤的光电二极管前者给她带来极大安慰。

    She took great comfort from the former .

  20. 用于尾纤和跳线。

    Tail fibers and jumper wires .

  21. 发光二极管秒指示器带尾纤的激光二极管

    Second LED indicator pigtailed laser diode

  22. 介绍了由带尾纤的InGaAs/InP雪崩光电二极管建立的近红外单光子探测系统。

    A near-infrared single-photon detection system is established by using pigtailed InGaAs / InP avalanche photodiodes .

  23. 该驱动器兼容尾纤和插脚型二极管以及可配置引脚的二极管。

    The driver is compatible with both pigtailed and receptacle type diodes and diodes of varying pin configurations .

  24. 面向尾纤自动检测的需要,本文提出了基于显微投影图像的端面角度检测方法。

    Facing auto-testing , a testing method of angle of pigtail endface based on microscopic projection image is presented .

  25. 分别采用金属和陶瓷封装工艺,研制了单尾纤和双尾纤两种不同的传感器结构。

    Designs with one or two optical fiber pigtails , by using metal and ceramics packaging technologies were studied respectively .

  26. 系统采用单模光纤的尾纤半导体激光器作光源的激光准直系统,并为测量提供稳定的基准线。

    A single mode fiber ( SMF ) pigtailed laser diode alignment system provides a laser reference line with fine stability for measurement .

  27. 为了提高回波损耗,尾纤端面从平端面发展到斜端面。因此,对尾纤端面角度进行检测具有重要的意义。

    Bevelled pigtail endface adjusted from plane is applied to enhance return loss , so it is important to test the angle of pigtail endface .

  28. 在仅尾纤输出的半导体激光器抽运下获得了斜率效率为42%,峰值波长为1103.8nm的9.2W激光输出;

    Under the pumping of the pigtailed laser diode , output power was 9.2 W , slope efficiency was 42 % and laser peak spectrum was 1103.8 nm .

  29. 在计算机软件与硬件控制下,以带尾纤的低功率半导体激光器光纤输出端集成的方法设计和实现了选址驱动能量源线阵雏形。

    Under the control of computer software and hardware , the project of integrating the fiber with the pigtail power laser diode is designed to realize the addressable energy source .

  30. 光发射机的功能是将电脉冲信号转换成光脉冲信号,并以数字光纤通信系统传输性能所要求的光脉冲信号波形从光源器件的尾纤发射出去。

    Transmitter is the device which changes electrical pulse signal into optical pulse signal , and then transmit the optical signal in wave form by laser diode or light-emitting diode .