
  • 网络Attenuation;fiber attenuation;dB Km;attenuation of optical fiber
  1. OPGW光纤衰减的产生与控制

    Introduction on attenuation occurrence and control of OPGW

  2. 用所研制的塑料光纤衰减谱仪测量了本实验室制备的塑料光纤的衰减谱,最低损耗小于200dB/km(650nm)

    Attenuation spectra of the POF that was produced in our laboratory was measured with the instrument that was based on the methods , the lowest loss was less than 200 dB / km ( 650 nm ) .

  3. PMMA塑料光纤衰减测量的研究

    Research of the measurement of loss of PMMA plastic optical fiber

  4. 光纤衰减特性检测系统分析

    The Test System Analysis of Specific Property of Optical Fiber Attenuation

  5. 背向散射法光纤衰减测量的实验研究

    Experimental Investigation of Optical Fiber Attenuation Measurement by the Backscattering Method

  6. 降低多模光纤衰减的技术途径

    Methods to reduce the attenuation of multi - mode fiber

  7. 一种新的精确测试光纤衰减方法的探讨

    A new method of precise measurement of optical fiber attenuation

  8. 基于小波变换和最小二乘法的光纤衰减特性分析

    Analysis of fiber attenuation performance based on wavelet and least square estimation

  9. 塑料光纤衰减测试方法的探讨

    Investigation on attenuation measuring methods for plastic optical fiber

  10. 单模光纤衰减的纵向均匀性

    Vertical Uniformity of Single mode Optical Fibers

  11. 实验时采取的参考光强度补偿的措施,消除了光源、光纤衰减等波动对测试结果的影响。

    Intensity error from the fluctuation of the light source and fiber attenuation are eliminated by intensity compensation .

  12. 在光纤衰减的测量中,背向散射法显示出很大的优越性。

    In the measurement of optical fiber attenuation , the backscattering method has been shown to have great advantages .

  13. 介绍测试塑料光纤衰减的三种方法:截断法、插入损耗法和后向散射法。

    Three attenuation measuring methods for plastic optical fiber including the cut-back method , the insertion-loss method and the back-scattering method are introduced .

  14. 通过测试研究了单模光纤衰减的纵向均匀性,并对目前单模光纤衰减的纵向均匀性作出了评价。

    It studies the vertical uniformity of single mode fiber attenuation through measurement and gives its evaluation on the uniformity of present single mode fibers .

  15. 介绍光纤衰减的产生机理,以及生产过程对光纤衰减和纵向特性的影响因素。

    It has introduced the optical attenuation the production mechanism as well as the production process to the optical attenuation and the longitudinal characteristic influence factor .

  16. 光时域反射仪是一种测量光纤衰减特性的仪器,但其所采集的光纤后向散射数据有很大的噪声,不利于光纤事件的分析。

    OTDR is an important device used to automatically analyze the fiber 's attenuation performance , but fiber 's backscatter data has much noise , which has bad effect on fiber 's events analysis .

  17. 主要用于传感的耐高温光纤的衰减太大,也不能用于通信。

    On the other hand , the attenuation of high temperature fiber used for temperature sensor is still too high for communication purpose .

  18. 实验表明,该系统能够根据国际标准完成对光纤的衰减和长度等指标的检测。

    The experiments prove that this system can test the attenuation and the length of the optical fiber accurately according to the international standard .

  19. 用数学分析的方法得出光纤光谱衰减特性参数β(λ)的表达式,给出光谱衰减曲线β(λ)的拟合方法、数学模型及软件流程。

    Using the way of mathematical analysis give out a formula of specific parameter β(γ) of spectral attenuation and the way of fitting and mathematical model of spectral attenuated curve and software process .

  20. 最后我们得出:在松套管的挤出过程中,若选择数量比较大的结晶相,则能够减少套管的后收缩,从而减小光纤的衰减,改善挤出套管的机械强度。

    It is very probable that greater quantity of the crystalline phase in tubes , selected during losse tube extruding , could reduce post shrinkage , thus reducing fiber attenuation , and improving mechanical strength of the tubes .

  21. 为此,以光端机的接收和发送光功率为探讨对象,结合工程建设实际,阐述了不同长度光纤链路衰减与放大的解决方案。

    We take the transmitting and receiving power of the optical communications equipment as the main discussion object and combine with practical project construction , the solution to the attenuation and amplification in optical fiber links with different distances are described .

  22. 城域网中光纤链路的衰减与放大

    Attenuation and Amplification in Optical Fiber Links in Metro Networks

  23. 多模光纤微弯衰减研究

    Study on Loss at Microbend of Multimode Optical Fibers

  24. 单模光纤色散与衰减系数的关系

    Relationship between dispersion & attenuation coefficient of SMF

  25. 在应用方面着重对光缆寿命的影响因素及光纤接续引入衰减问题进行论述。

    Focusing on the duration of optical fiber and attenuation of connection in application .

  26. 渐变型光纤振动的衰减特性

    Attenuation characteristics of vibrating fiber with graded-index core

  27. 建立在相干检测原理上的单模光纤步级衰减标准装置

    A Step Attenuation Standard Device Based on Coherent Detection for Single-Mode Fiber Optical Attenuators

  28. 结果表明,在油墨的组分中,树脂对着色光纤的光衰减有重大影响,活性稀释剂次之,颜料几乎无影响。

    The components in the ink affected the attenuation of colored optical fiber in the order of resin > active diluent > dye .

  29. 引入了与掺杂和制作工艺相关的理论对不同光纤辐射致衰减行为的内在机制进行了分析,分析结果有助于光纤陀螺设计过程中的光纤选型和加固设计。

    Mechanisms involving dopants and manufacturing process are introduced to analyze the RIA discrepancy as well as to guide the choice and hardening of optical fibers during the design of IFOG .

  30. 结果发现,光纤微弯衰减方法对于热压情况下复合材料的固化监测是敏感的。

    It is found that fiber optic attenuation is sensitive to composite cure monitoring in autoclave with good reliability which can indicate the gel point and the end point of the cure processing .