
  • 网络photovoltaic grid-connected inverter;grid-connected PV inverter
  1. 然后建立了三相单级光伏并网逆变器在三相静止坐标系和两相旋转坐标系下的数学模型,重点分析了基于同步坐标系直接电流控制技术的双环控制策略。

    Thirdly , the mathematical model of the three-phase single stage grid-connected PV inverter were established in the three-phase stationary frame and two phase synchronization coordinate separately . The paper mainly analyzed double closed-loop control strategy based on synchronous frame control technology .

  2. 基于重复控制算法的光伏并网逆变器的研究

    Research on Grid-Connected PV Inverter Based on Repetitive Control

  3. 基于DSP的电流无差控制光伏并网逆变器设计

    Design of Current Deadbeat Control Grid-connected Inverter based on DSP

  4. 基于DSP的光伏并网逆变器的设计

    Design of Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter Based on DSP

  5. 基于DSP控制的光伏并网逆变器最大功率的跟踪问题

    Research on maximum power point tracking control based on a DSP-controlled grid-connected photovoltaic inverter

  6. 基于Boost的单相两级光伏并网逆变器最优梯度控制研究

    Optimal Gradient Control of single-phase two-levels photovoltaic grid-connected inverter Based on Boost Circuit

  7. 基于重复PI控制的光伏并网逆变器

    Study on Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Inverter Based on Repetitive PI Control

  8. 基于PI控制的三相光伏并网逆变器电流控制器设计

    Design of the PI current controller of three phase photovoltaic grid-connected inverter

  9. 基于最优梯度法MPPT的三相光伏并网逆变器

    Three-phase Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter of MPPT based on Optimal Gradient Method

  10. 电导增量法实现MPPT单级光伏并网逆变器的仿真研究

    Emulation of MPPT Single-Stage Photovoltaic Parallel Mains Inverter by Conductance Increment Method

  11. 基于LCL滤波的光伏并网逆变器电流滞环控制

    Current Hysteresis-band Control of Solar Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter through LCL Filter

  12. 高性能的数字信号处理器芯片(DSP)的出现,使得一些先进的控制策略应用于光伏并网逆变器的控制成为可能。

    With the appearance of high-performance Digital Signal Processor ( DSP ) chip , it is possible that some most advanced control strategies can be used to the PV grid-connected system .

  13. MW级光伏并网逆变器因其在高效率、高功率等级、高可靠性等方面的优势,也将成为业界发展的重要方向。

    MW-level photovoltaic ( pv ) grid-connected inverter is considered to be an important research direction due to its superiorities of high efficiency , high power , high reliability .

  14. 500W光伏并网逆变器设计

    Design of grid-connected photovoltaic inverter with 500W rating

  15. 仿真和实验证明,这种方法能够有效改善LCL滤波器的谐振问题,提高输出波形质量。应用在三相三电平光伏并网逆变器中,在降低电流THD的同时,系统还能够保持稳定。

    Simulations and experiments show that the method can effectively improve the output of the three-phase grid-connected inverters and maintains the system stable during the working process .

  16. 将设计的三相锁相环运用到光伏并网逆变器中。在MATLAB中建立了仿真模型,验证了本文设计的锁相环系统性能。

    Ultimately to obtained the fundamental positive sequence phase of the three-phase grid voltage under unbalanced conditions . Next , this article applied the designed three-phase locked loop to photovoltaic grid-connected inverter and created a simulation model in MATLAB , to verify the performance of the inverter controller .

  17. 本文主要介绍WEINVIEW触摸屏在太阳能光伏并网逆变器中的应用。

    The introduction in this paper focus on the application of WEINVIEW touch screen in photovoltaic grid-connected inverter .

  18. 为了改善光伏并网逆变器的动态性能,在利用其dq模型体现并网逆变器非线性特征基础上,应用状态反馈线性化方法设计了一种非线性控制器,以低消其dq模型的非线性。

    A nonlinear control by state feedback linearization is presented using the nonlinear characteristic concerning the d q model of PV parallel feed inverter , for improving the dynamic characteristic which compensates the nonlinearity of the d q model .

  19. 近年来,两级式单相光伏并网逆变器以其体积小,功率转换效率高等优点,在小功率(5kW以内)单相光伏并网发电系统中得到越来越广泛的应用。

    Two-stage single-phase PV grid-connected inverter has advantages of small volume and high power conversion efficiency , which has been used widely in low power ( within 5kW ) single-phase PV grid-connected system in recent years .

  20. 光伏并网逆变器反孤岛效应控制策略特性分析

    Control Strategy Features Analysis on Anti-Islanding Effect of Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Inverter

  21. 三相光伏并网逆变器动态建型与灵敏度分析

    Dynamic Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Three Phase Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter

  22. 小功率户外型光伏并网逆变器的防水及风道设计

    Design of the Waterproof and Airflow Channel for Outdoor PV Inverter

  23. 基于神经网络的光伏并网逆变器研究联系神经元,联络神经元

    Research of Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter and Its Control Based on Neural Network

  24. 单相光伏并网逆变器的两种定频滞环电流控制算法研究

    Research of Two Hysteresis Current Control Algorithms of Single-Phase Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter

  25. 基于正反馈频率漂移的光伏并网逆变器反孤岛控制

    Anti-islanding control of grid-connected photovoltaic inverter based on positive feedback frequency drift

  26. 基于状态空间平均法的光伏并网逆变器控制建模

    Control modeling of a grid-connected photovoltaic inverter based on state-space average method

  27. 单相光伏并网逆变器滞环电流跟踪控制的研究

    Study on Hysteresis-Band Current Tracking Control of a Single Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Inverter

  28. 单相光伏并网逆变器瞬时电流检测与补偿控制

    Instantaneous Current Detection and Compensation of Single-phase Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter

  29. 多机光伏并网逆变器的孤岛检测技术研究

    Investigation of Islanding Detection Methods for Multiple PV Converters System

  30. 反激型电流源高频环节光伏并网逆变器研究无源逆变器,自励逆变器

    Research on Flyback-type Current Source Inverter for Grid-connected Photovoltaic Systems