
  • 网络photonic band gap;Photonic Bandgap;PBG
  1. 基于光子带隙(PBG)结构的小型K波段谐振式带通滤波器

    A Novel Compact Resonant Band-Pass Filter for K-Band Based on PBG Structure

  2. 本文主要研究了两种光子带隙结构,波导中介质层PBG结构和PBG结构的矩形波导滤波器。

    Two kinds of PBG structures are mainly discussed in this dissertation , i.e. , the medium layer PBG structure in waveguide and the rectangular waveguide filter with PBG structure .

  3. 一种基于H分形光子带隙结构的小型微带天线

    A miniaturized patch antenna using H-fractal photonic bandgap structure

  4. FDTD方法分析光子带隙微带结构

    Analysis of Photonic Bandgap Microstrip Structure Using FDTD Method

  5. 提出了一种新的基于光子带隙结构的K波段谐振式带通滤波器,给出了近似设计公式,并在半导体衬底上,采用微电子的工艺实现了这种结构。

    A new resonant bandpass filter based on the PBG structure is presented . A semiconductor based structure is realized using microelectronics technology .

  6. Ka波段金属光子带隙慢波结构的特性分析

    Characteristics of Ka Band Slow-Wave Structure with Metal Photonic Band-Gap

  7. 池厚对SiO2胶体光子带隙的影响

    Photonic Band Gap in Thickness Dependent SiO_2 Colloidal Crystals

  8. 本文设计了一种新型基于哑铃型光子带隙(PBG)的宽带高增益E形贴片天线。

    This paper presents a new wide-band and high-gain E-shaped patch antenna based on dumbbell-shaped PBG structure .

  9. 垂直沉积法制备SiO2胶体晶体及其光子带隙特性

    Preparation and Photonic Band - gap Property of SiO_2 Colloidal Crystals by Vertical Deposition Method

  10. 到目前为止空芯光纤大体上可分为两种结构,分别是Bragg光纤和光子带隙型光纤,它们都是利用光子带隙的机理来束缚光在空气芯中传输。

    So far , there are two classes of hollow-core fibers and they are Bragg fiber and photonic bandgap fiber .

  11. 采用变分方法对于二维矩形光子带隙结构中X点孤子的耗散以及相干作用进行了动力学分析。

    Dissipative and coherent effects of X-point solitons are investigated on the basis of dynamic variational formulation in two_dimensional photonic bandgap ( PBG ) structure of square lattice .

  12. 计算结果表明,介质圆柱在空气中按复合三角形排列存在E偏振和M偏振模完全重叠的光子带隙区,即具有绝对光子带隙。

    It is shown that this structure reveals many wide photonic band gaps for TE modes and exists an absolute photonic band gap for both TE and TM modes .

  13. 测试结果表明,在SiO2胶体晶体中随着CdS填充量的增加,光子带隙向长波段方向移动且变宽;

    It was found that the photonic band gap shifted to longer wavelengths and broaden as the infillings of CdS increasing ;

  14. 最后讨论了折射率(n)、折射率调制幅度(△n)、周期长度(D)及周期数(N)对光子带隙的影响。

    At last , it studies the influence of the photonic band gap on the refractive index , the refractive-index modulation amplitude , the length of period and the number of period .

  15. 用FDTD数值方法研究了用于微带传输线的1D和2D的PBG(PhotonicBandGap)光子带隙结构。

    The 1 D and 2 D photonic band gap ( PBG ) structure used in microstrip was studied by using FDTD technique .

  16. 加载光子带隙膜系BaF2晶体闪烁光慢成分抑制和抗γ辐照损伤的研究

    Slow component suppression and γ radiation hardness of BaF_2 crystal modified by photonic band multilayer filter

  17. Park等人提出了一种和光子带隙结构一样具有带隙特性和慢波特性的新颖结构,取名为DefectedGroundstructure,俗称缺陷接地结构(DGS)。

    Park of Korea Scholar presented a novel structure called Defected Ground Structure ( DGS ), which has bandgap characteristics and slow-wave effect , just like photonic bandgap structure .

  18. 共面紧凑型光子带隙(UCPBG)结构是一种以微带基片为载体的周期性平面结构。

    The uniplanar compact photonic-bandgap ( UC-PBG ) is a periodic planar layered structure which is constructed in the microstrip structures .

  19. 基于光子带隙理论首次理论研究了填充液晶对折射率传导型高双折射PCF传输特性的影响。

    The effects of filling NLC in the TIR-PCFs on propagation properties of high birefringent PCFs are firstly studied based on PBG theory .

  20. 在线缺陷波导中,TE和TM两种偏振光分别靠光子带隙效应和全内反射效应传播。

    In the line-defect waveguides , the transverse-electric ( TE ) and transverse-magnetic ( TM ) polarization lights are guided using photonic band-gap and total internal reflection effect , respectively .

  21. 首次提出了一种新型的50Ω光子带隙(PBG)结构微带线。

    A novel photonic bandgap ( PBG ) microstrip line for 50 Ω conventional microstrip line is proposed for the first time .

  22. PBG结构就是可以实现光子带隙(PBG,PhotonicBand-Gap)的周期性结构。

    PBG is a kind of periodical structure that can realize Photonic Band-Gap . The concept of Photonic Crystals was initially proposed in the optical regime .

  23. 光子带隙结构中的辐射场态密度(DOS)不同于自由真空场中的辐射场态密度。

    Photonic band gap ( PBG ) structures have been shown to have a density of states ( DOS ) of emission field different from that of free-space vacuum field .

  24. 给出了基于SOI晶片、带隙中心位于1550nm的光子带隙材料及光子晶体波导器件的设计方法。

    Design and fabrication techniques for SOI-based photonic bandgap structures ( PBG ) and photonic crystal waveguides are presented .

  25. 讨论了丁二酸改性、悬浊液浓度、胶体球粒径、组装温度、pH值、热处理温度、入射光角度对所得到的SiO2胶体晶体形貌和光子带隙的影响。

    Effects of modification , colloid concentration , particle size , temperature , pH value , sintering treatment and incident angle on the morphology and photonic bandgap properties of the obtained SiO2 colloidal crystals were discussed .

  26. 缺陷接地结构(DGS)是近年来在光子带隙(PBG)结构的基础上发展而来的一种新结构。

    Defected Ground Structure ( DGS ) is a new structure proposed in recent years , which is extended from Photonic Band-Gap ( PBG ) Structure .

  27. 当发射出的光与基体材料的光子带隙相匹配时,可控制半导体材料的光致发光,同时,可通过控制SiO2胶体颗粒粒经的大小来调节CdS的光致发光性能。

    When the emitted light matches the photonic band gap in the matrix , the inhibition of CdS is achieved and the PL properties in CdS can be modulated by SiO_2 colloidal sphere diameter .

  28. 反射光谱还表明,所制备的胶体晶体的光子带隙位于可见光波段.同时,AE空间分布表明:于样品破坏前在崩裂型破裂区周围形成明显空区;

    The reflect spectra in the visible regions show distinct peaks due to the existence of photonic band gap . The results show : ( 1 ) A distinct gap of AE location is observed before failure of the sample ;

  29. 基于Floquet定理,分析了有限周期单元分层介质的光子带隙特性,给出分层介质的高反射区波长范围。

    Based on the Floquet theorem , the photonic bandgap properties of periodic layered media are analyzed , and the wavelength range of high-reflection region for periodic layered media is discussed .

  30. 光子带隙结构(PBG)最初应用于光学领域,后来拓展到微波、毫米波频段,被称为电磁带隙结构(EBG)。

    Photonic Bandgap ( PBG ) structure is first used in optics region . Several years later , it is extended to microwave and millimeterwave regions , and is called Electromagnetic Bandgap ( EBG ) structures .