
  • 网络optical interconnect;Interconnect;optical interconnection
  1. Mesh光互连网络集成模块研究

    Study on Mesh Optical Interconnect Integrated Module

  2. 本文研究了一种新型的自由空间光互连Mesh网络集成模块。

    A novel integrated module of free space optical interconnect Mesh network is presented in this paper .

  3. 计算机光互连网络DataVortex拓扑的优化与改进

    Optimization and Improvement of the Data Vortex Optical Interconnection Network Topology

  4. Mesh互连网络光互连板结构设计

    Configuration design of optical interconnection board for Mesh interconnection network

  5. 全息透镜阵列实焦点成像实现PS光互连

    PS optical interconnection realized by holographic lens array using real focus imaging

  6. 介绍了一种依据Mesh光互连网络拓扑原理设计制作的新型Mesh光互连板结构。

    Based on Mesh optical interconnection topology principle , a novel Mesh optical interconnection board configuration was introduced .

  7. 用半导体激光器和PIN光电探测器设计和实现的光互连链路

    Design and Implementation of an Optical Interconnection Data Link Using Semiconductor Lasers and PIN Photo Detectors

  8. 基于可编程门阵列(FPGA)器件实现了低功耗的高速光互连链路。

    A low power-dissipation gigabit-per-second optical interconnection data link was realized using field programmable gate array ( FPGA ) .

  9. 芯片到芯片间的光互连技术是解决这些PCB板上电互连瓶颈的一个非常有前途的方法。

    A promising solution to these on-board electrical interconnection bottlenecks is chip-to-chip optical interconnection technology .

  10. 并行FFT的通信模式在一组规则WDM光互连网络上的波长分配

    Wavelength Assignment of Parallel FFT Communication Patterns on a Class of Regular WDM Optical Networks

  11. 利用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)在光互连网络中实现了数据包的硬件路由以及数字交叉开关的动态配置。

    With field programmable gate array ( FPGA ), hardware routing of data packages and dynamic configuration of digital crosspoint switch are realized .

  12. 介绍了基于Linux操作系统,以光互连链路接口卡为网络硬件接口编制并行计算环境的物理层链路驱动软件的设计方法和程序结构等。

    The design method of physical link driver software for Linux , which uses optical interconnection link as network interface for parallel computing , is introduced .

  13. 本文设计和实现了具有PCI总线峰值带宽传输能力的光互连网络接口卡。

    In this paper , an optical network interface card with PCI bus peak bandwidth transmission rate has been designed and implemented .

  14. MPP计算机群机系统的光互连背板技术研究

    Research of optical backplane technology in MPP computers systems

  15. 采用时分复用虚拟并行传输技术,设计并实现了用于计算机PCI总线并行互连的光互连链路。

    Using TDM ( time division multiplexing ), virtual parallel synchronous data transmission between the PCI buses of two computers has been achieved .

  16. 用2×2全息透镜阵列实现输入为发散光的PS光互连;

    In this paper , the PS optical interconnection was implemented using the 2 × 2 holographic lens array under the divergent light inputs .

  17. 平台通过承载16点以及32点的大规模并行FFT计算,能够通过实验演示光互连与电互连的传输能力。

    Bearing 16-point and 32-point large-scale FFT parallel computing , the platform can demonstrate the transmission capacity of optical interconnection and electrical interconnection through experiments .

  18. 本文采用半导体激光器和PIN光电探测器,设计和实现了用于计算机PCI总线并行互连的光互连链路。

    In this paper , an optical interconnection data link for PCI bus parallel interconnect has been designed and implemented using semiconductor laser diodes and PIN photo detectors .

  19. 基于Linux操作系统,以千兆光互连接口卡为网络接口,设计实现了一种可用于机群系统的双环光互连网络。

    A Linux-based twin-ring optical interconnection network is introduced , which can be used in computer cluster , including the design of optical interconnection interface card , the device driver , and the architecture .

  20. 基于VCSEL阵列的光电混合集成及并行光互连是当前的研究热点。

    The hybrid optoelectronic integrated circuits and parallel optical interconnects based on VCSEL arrays are now the research hotspot .

  21. Dammann光栅在光互连中的应用

    The Application of Dammann Grating in Optical Interconnection

  22. 垂直腔表面发射激光器(VCSELs)是并行光互连、高速光交换系统中最合适的光源。

    Vertical cavity surface lasers ( VCSELs ) are now key optical sources in parallel optical interconnects and high-speed optical switching systems .

  23. 对Mesh光互连系统结构进行了设计,着重对系统模块中的光收发透镜阵列进行了光学设计,对两种不同设计方案进行了比较。

    The system structure of the Mesh optical interconnect is designed , and the highlight is laid on the optical design of the light transceiver lens array of the system module . Two different design methods in this paper are compared .

  24. 同时,这一平台还能用于光互连系统的网络性能层面仿真,本文通过该平台对不同大小的Mesh结构和Torus结构网络进行了性能分析。

    Furthermore , the platform can also be used to simulate the performance of optical interconnect network . The performance of various sizes of the optical Mesh networks and optical Torus networks are analyzed by this platform .

  25. 近年来,硅基光互连乃至光计算成为世界科技研究热点,尤其是基于绝缘体上硅(SOI)晶片的各种有源、无源光电子器件的研究更是方兴未艾。

    Recently , silicon-based optical interconnection as well as optical computing becomes the research hotspots in the world , especially for the research on both passive and active optoelectronic devices which are based on SOI wafer .

  26. 文章首先比较了在超大规模集成系统(VLSI)中光互连和电互连的优劣,总结了各种类的光互连及近年取得的新进展,并分析了光互连遇到的困难和未来前景。

    This paper compares optical interconnection with electrical interconnection in VLSI , summarizes the different kinds of optical interconnection and their development , discusses the difficulties of optical interconnection , and shows the prospect of the optical interconnection .

  27. 光电混合印制电路板(EOPCB)光互连波导研究光突发交换网络与光路交换网络的互连

    Research of Optical Interconnection Waveguides for EOPCB ; Interworking between Optical Burst Switching Networks and Optical Circuit Switching Networks

  28. 利用该节点组建星形高速光互连网络以及二级光互连网络,采用电路级联技术对结点进行扩展,网络吞吐量可达1.5Tbit/s。

    High-speed optical interconnection star network can be built up using this node . And the node can be extended using the circuits cascading Technology , which can realize 1.5T bit / s network throughput .

  29. 达曼(Dammann)光栅作为一种常用的分束器件,在光互连、光通信、光计算和多重成像等领域已广泛应用。

    As a common device which can separate beam of light , Dammann grating has been used in the fields of light interlinkage , light communication , light calculation , multi-imaging and so on .

  30. 设计了一个测试列阵器件的光互连系统,系统的时钟光点阵由二位相光栅(BPG)产生,测试所需的信号光点阵由一个2×8的SEED器件对时钟光进行调制产生。

    An optical interconnection system for testing array devices is designed . The clock optical array is generated by a BPG ( Binary Phase Grating ) . And the signal optical array is generated by a 2 × 8 SEED ( Self Electrooptic Effect Device ) array working as modulators .