
  • 网络photovoltage;photovoltaic effect
  1. 载流子表观扩散长度与偏置光强关系的计算机模拟&a-Si∶H表面光生电压(SPV)实验的若干分析

    The Computer Simulation for Intensity Dependence of Apparent Diffusion Length & Analysis of Surface Photovoltage ( SPV ) Experiments in a-Si : H

  2. 制备了二氧化锡/多孔硅/硅(SnO2/PS/Si)异质结构样品,在不同温度下,分别测量样品吸附氢气、液化石油气前后的光生电压谱。

    SnO 2 / PS / Si heterojunction structure samples are fabricated . The photovoltage spectra of the samples during prior-and post-adsorption of H 2 or liquified petroleum at different temperature are measured .

  3. 光生电压谱方法对Znse/GaAs异质结导带偏移的研究

    Photovoltaic studies on the conduction band discontinuity of ZnSe / GaAs heterojunctions

  4. 由表面光生电压实验确定α-Si:H中费米能级附近的隙态密度

    The Determination of Density of States at Fermi-level in a-Si : H From Surface Photovoltage method

  5. 测量p-i-n电池单色光的光生电流随外电压的变化,可得出空穴的收集长度。

    A collection length was obtained by measuring the relation between photocurrent of monochromatic light and applied voltage in a p-i-n solar cell .